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Drive to End Global Hunger Has Stalled, UN Warns

ROME (Reuters) – A goal to eliminate global hunger by 2030 looks increasingly impossible to achieve, with the number of people suffering chronic hunger barely changed over the past year, a United Nations report said on Wednesday.

Inquiry Finds 200,000 People Were Abused in Care in New Zealand Over Decades in ‘National Disgrace’

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) – New Zealand’s independent inquiry into decades of abuse of children and vulnerable adults released a blistering final report Wednesday finding the country’s state agencies and churches failed to prevent, stop or admit to the mistreatment of those in their care.

Egyptian President Resigns February 11, 2011
Libyan Upheaval Escalates February 28, 2011
Lights Out for Zimbabwe May 17, 2007
Malnutrition Rises in Darfur January 7, 2008
South African President Resigns September 23, 2008
Violence in Chad Escalates January 16, 2008
Zimbabwe Food Crisis Deepens September 10, 2007
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9/11: Seven Years Later September 11, 2008
Cuban Revolution Turns 50 January 8, 2009
DACA Is Ending, But What Is It? September 6, 2017
Herbicides: Helpful or Harmful? November 27, 2017
Hugo Chavez Dies at 58 April 12, 2013
"Majority-Minority" August 31, 2005
Mexico Elects New President July 16, 2012
Murders Skyrocket in Sao Paulo December 14, 2012
Power Struggle on Capitol Hill February 20, 2007
Rioting Rocks Venezuela February 12, 2010
U.S. Debt Record March 8, 2004
U.S. Natural Gas Shortage July 2, 2003
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AIDS Rate Takes Off in China February 20, 2009
China Debuts Aircraft Carrier August 24, 2011
China Now Biggest Exporter February 3, 2010
China's Economy May 10, 2006
China’s Space Walk Success October 3, 2008
A New Militaristic Japan? May 15, 2007
North Korea Update April 29, 2003
Pakistan: Political Update January 9, 2008
Update: Floods in Pakistan September 17, 2010
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Australia & South Pacific
Earthquake Devastates New Zealand February 22, 2011
Fires Devastate Australia February 13, 2009
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Crime & Punishment
Crime Snapshot March 11, 2005
London Burns August 9, 2011
Piracy Plagues Indian Ocean February 21, 2011
Violent Crime Surging March 17, 2007
What Is Happening in Ecuador? January 23, 2024
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Economy & Personal Finance
1.82 Million Out of Work in UK December 3, 2008
Cost of Worldwide Corruption November 19, 2009
Record U.S. Trade Deficit February 19, 2007
U.S. Real Estate Crash? March 22, 2007
Will Global Unemployment Rise? February 3, 2009
Youth in "Absolute Poverty" August 31, 2005
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Berlin Receives New Power July 2, 2003
Blair Defends New Europe July 2, 2003
Britain’s Slave Trade March 16, 2007
Broadband: Is the EU Ready? October 3, 2008
Call for EU Flag at Next Olympics September 10, 2004
EU Budget Compromise January 6, 2006
EU Pushes for European Army January 1, 2017
Europe and Islam March 3, 2006
Europe and Its Army November 10, 2003
Europe in Crisis May 5, 2005
European “Super-Region” November 10, 2003
European Union Divided November 8, 2004
German Economy Set to Surge June 29, 2006
Germany Calls for an EU Army March 19, 2010
Homelessness on the Rise in the UK September 17, 2017
Neo-Nazis March in Dresden March 11, 2005
New EU Leader on the Horizon November 19, 2009
New EU Leader Selected November 25, 2009
Old Europe vs. New Europe March 15, 2003
Paris Burns November 8, 2005
The Pope’s Decalogue for Europe September 3, 2003
Riots in Athens Escalating December 18, 2008
Russia Flexes Military Muscle November 10, 2003
UK Slashes Defense Spending September 24, 2015
Vatican Influencing EU September 10, 2004
Vatican Official Visits Moscow November 8, 2005
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Britain Closes Base in Basra September 4, 2007
Georgia Re-Elects President January 14, 2008
"Hateful" Words Now a War Crime January 13, 2004
Iran-China Energy Deal March 3, 2006
Iran Heads For Confrontation January 6, 2006
Middle East War in 2006? May 5, 2005
North Korea, Iran and Missiles September 3, 2003
Paying for the War March 15, 2003
The Race For Oil June 29, 2006
Russia Breaks Promise November 8, 2005
Russia-Syria Arms Agreement March 11, 2005
Russian and Iraqi Cooperation January 20, 2003
Russian Arms Exports May 10, 2006
The U.S. as World Cop September 3, 2003
U.S. Remains Isolated July 2, 2003
UN Sets Agenda for 2008 January 11, 2008
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Health Issues
1 in 8 Died of Cancer in ‘07 December 20, 2007
AIDS Spreads Through China November 6, 2006
AIDS Yet to Peak January 20, 2003
Avian Flu Pandemic? July 7, 2005
Bird Flu March 8, 2004
Bird Flu Outbreak in Britain February 6, 2007
Dark Fruits as Cancer Fighters September 12, 2007
“Embryos Made to Order” January 12, 2007
England’s Obesity Epidemic September 5, 2006
L.A. Hit Hard by West Nile November 8, 2004
Millions Die Of Hunger Each Year September 5, 2006
The Next Flu Pandemic January 13, 2004
SARS—The New Epidemic April 29, 2003
Smog Threatens Food Security December 3, 2008
STD Cases in U.S. Hit Record Highs September 27, 2017
World More Obese Than Starving November 6, 2006
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BRICS Create Own Monetary Fund September 1, 2014
G20 Overhauls World Economy April 3, 2009
Update: World Food Crisis April 29, 2008
Why Are Gas Prices So Low? January 30, 2015
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Marriage & Family
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Oscar Upset March 3, 2006
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Middle East
Attacks in Baghdad Down 80% February 19, 2008
Growing Unrest in Turkey May 11, 2007
Iran Flexes Military Muscle July 21, 2011
Iran Nuclear Deal Raises Concerns November 29, 2013
Israel’s Next PM? October 3, 2008
Middle East Conflict Brewing April 30, 2010
OPEC and a Post-War Iraq April 29, 2003
Riots Spread Across Arab World January 28, 2011
U.S. Troops Pull Out of Iraq December 30, 2011
Update: Israel-Iran Tensions March 14, 2012
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Ukraine Protests Turn Deadly January 24, 2014
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Catholicism in Russia May 5, 2005
Feeding a Spiritual Hunger? June 29, 2006
Pope Benedict to Resign February 11, 2013
Pope Calls for UN Reform March 8, 2004
The Vatican and Saddam Hussein January 13, 2004
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Science & Technology
China Creates Human-Rabbit Hybrid September 3, 2003
Human-Animal Hybridization March 11, 2005
If the Bees Disappear… March 9, 2007
Locusts Swarm Australia May 7, 2004
Mount St. Helens' Growing Dome December 31, 2004
Mutant Rodents Plague Britain November 8, 2012
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Society & Lifestyles
Abortion: Big Business June 21, 2007
Another Violent Black Friday December 14, 2012
Increasing Sports Violence December 29, 2006
Jerusalem to Host Gay Parade November 10, 2003
“Love Land” in South Korea September 5, 2006
“Speed” in Rural America January 13, 2004
U.S. Domestic Violence Soars January 28, 2012
UK Marriages in Decline March 2, 2007
What Is Juneteenth? June 19, 2020
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Terrorism & Security
Belgium’s Black Day March 22, 2016
Setbacks for Tehran February 3, 2009
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Weather & Environment
The Australian Drought April 25, 2007
Britain Inundated by Heavy Rains December 14, 2012
California Heat Wave July 28, 2006
Drought in the U.S. Midwest August 31, 2005
Earthquakes Rattle U.S. September 20, 2011
Global Food Supplies Threatened December 28, 2007
Hurricane Ida’s Impact November 17, 2009
Lake Mead: Gone by 2021? February 14, 2008
Massive Wildfires Overtake Texas September 20, 2011
Mysterious Mass Animal Deaths January 7, 2011
Record Floods Overwhelm Australia December 31, 2010
...To Raging Wildfires June 29, 2006
U.S. Drought May 7, 2004
Weather Worries Pentagon March 8, 2004
Wild Weather Continues January 24, 2007
Worldwide Temps Near Record Highs December 29, 2006
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