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God’s Word reveals how to navigate the current political climate in the United States.

Will America survive the 2024 presidential election? If you ask the candidates, the answer is maybe not. At least not in the form that we all know it.

The Democratic contender and current president, Joe Biden, said at a fundraiser in New York that he thinks “our democracy is at stake” in the current election.

The Republican candidate and former president, Donald Trump, said during a rally in Ohio, “If we don’t win this election, I don’t think you’re going to have another election in this country.”

  • World News Desk
“It is truly heartbreaking to see food scarcity and deprivation on the rise,” said John Makoni, a national director for World Vision. “We have a looming catastrophic situation that is quickly approaching.”
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The European Union opened membership talks with Ukraine on Tuesday, giving the country a political boost in the midst of its war against Russia’s invasion, although a long and tough road still lies ahead before it could join the bloc.

Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal, addressing the meeting in Luxembourg by video link, said the start of the talks was a historic moment and a significant step for both Kyiv and the EU towards “our shared great victory.”

“For our nation, the European Union signifies much more than a physical space,” he said. “It represents values and home.”

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June 6 marked the 80th anniversary of D-Day, when Allied forces stormed northern France, turning the tide of World War II. Defeat would have meant a very different world, formed in the image of Adolf Hitler’s Third Reich.

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More than a dozen states do not track when multiple abuses happen at a single facility or across facilities owned by the same company, the report found.
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The start and stop of direct confrontations and the resurgence of proxy war paint a complex picture of this Middle East conflict.

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The Caribbean nation has seen no end of tragedy in recent years. What’s behind its latest upheaval?

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Niger’s military rulers have given the U.S. until September 15 to remove its troops from the country, which also means leaving a $100 million drone base that had provided a crucial source of intelligence about groups allied to al Qaeda and Islamic State.
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The Bible provides solutions to today’s farming problems in verses almost no one knows.

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Lebanon’s Hezbollah has new weapons and intelligence capabilities that could help it target more critical positions deeper inside Israel, the militant group’s leader said.
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From musket-armed militias snatching independence from a powerful empire to a quick rise into vast wealth, unmatched might and global prestige, America’s story is an anomaly of history.

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The “sustained presence” of the armed groups in the park is the first sign of a connection between Nigeria’s homegrown extremists and al-Qaida-linked militants from the Sahel.
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As traditional medicine faces criticism for high costs, malpractice and profit-driven care, many people are seeking alternative and sometimes bizarre treatments.

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Mr. Kim said the two countries had a “fiery friendship,” and that the deal was their “strongest ever treaty,” putting the relationship at the level of an alliance.
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The report found that none of 17 goals were on course to be met by 2030, with most targets showing “limited or a reversal of progress.”
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Advocates called the move a “monumental step forward,” as Thailand would be the first nation in Southeast Asia to enact such marriage legislation and the third in Asia, after Nepal and Taiwan.
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The Houthis who control the north and center of the country and the government running the south use different currency notes with different exchange rates.
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How God’s Word was written and preserved over millennia sheds light on its ultimate purpose—and what it should mean to you.

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“There’s a lot we don’t understand,” said Dr. Tom Frieden. "I think we have to get over the ‘hope for the best and bury our head in the sand’ approach. Because it could be really bad.”
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Surveying the current state of liberty around the world and reexamining the historical events that led the United States to greatness reveal the true source of prosperity. It also shows how America can continue to thrive.

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