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Europe in Grave Cultural and Moral Crisis

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Europe in Grave Cultural and Moral Crisis

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American Papal biographer George Weigel states that Europe is suffering from "Christophobia" and is, therefore, experiencing a grave cultural and moral crisis. In explaining the differences between America and Europe, he says, "It would be too simple to say that the reason Americans and Europeans see the world so differently is that the former go to church on Sundays and the latter don't. But it would be a grave mistake to think that the dramatic differences in religious belief and practice in the United States and Europe don't have something important to do with those different perceptions of the world."

"European high culture," he continues, "is, largely, Christophobic, and Europeans themselves describe their cultures and societies as 'post-Christian.' Why did so many European intellectuals deem any reference to the Christian sources of contemporary European civilization a threat to human rights and democracy? Was there some connection between this internal European debate over Europe's Constitution-making and the portrait in the European press of Americans as religious fanatics intent on shooting up the world?" inquired Mr. Weigel. "My proposal is that Europe is experiencing a crisis of cultural and civilizational morale."

As history has shown time and time again, crises are opportune moments for some to implement and exert their power. Interestingly, Mr. Weigel went on to explain, "That crisis of civilizational morale helps explain why European man is deliberately forgetting his history and is abandoning the hard work and high adventure of democratic politics, seeming to prefer the false domestic security of bureaucracy and the dubious international security offered by the U.N. system." Deliberately forgetting history? Now that is dangerous! We know that those who forget history are doomed to repeat it.

Source: Zenit News Agency

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