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Pakistan and Saudi Arabia Enter Nuclear Pact

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Pakistan and Saudi Arabia Enter Nuclear Pact

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A reliable Pakistani source has informed The Washington Times that the result of a 26-hour state visit to Pakistan by Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah bin Abdulaziz is a “secret” agreement on nuclear cooperation that will provide the Saudis with nuclear weapons in exchange for inexpensive oil. Despite claims to the contrary, the CIA believes Pakistan is already actively involved in the export of its nuclear technology, most recently with North Korea in exchange for missile technology.

The Pakistani source indicates that both Pakistan and Saudi Arabia believe the world is moving from non-proliferation of nuclear weapons to proliferation. Saudi Arabia, a Sunni Muslim nation, is concerned with Iran's (a Shi-ite Muslim nation) nuclear capability, and Pakistan is concerned with India's recent military agreement with Israel, a long-time nuclear power with a suspected inventory of 200-400 weapons. In addition, the Saudis, with the absence of American forces in their country for protection, are increasingly concerned about the vulnerability of their oil fields.

In a recent paper, Simon Henderson, an analyst with the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, stated, “Apart from proliferation concerns, Washington likely harbors more general fears about what would happen if either of the regimes in Riyadh or Islamabad became radically Islamic.” Such fears create a giant sink for American money, as the CIA and U.S. State Department will dedicate available resources to try and ensure that those fears do not become a reality.

Source: The Washington Times

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