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41 Percent of Older UK Adults Do Not Take Even One Brisk Walk Each Month

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41 Percent of Older UK Adults Do Not Take Even One Brisk Walk Each Month

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In England, more than 6.3 million adults ages 40 to 60 fail to take even one brisk continuous 10-minute walk each month, Public Health England (PHE) reported.

The government agency noted how lifestyles have changed over time, with findings showing that United Kingdom citizens are 20 percent less active now than they were in the 1960s. Also, people walk an average of 15 miles less per year than two decades ago.

Both the sedentary nature and busyness of modern life make it difficult for many to fit in a healthy amount of exercise. Yet PHE stated that even one 10-minute brisk walk can be all it takes to start reaping health benefits such as:

  • reducing the risk of early death by 15 percent.
  • preventing or delaying the onset of disability.
  • reducing the risk of Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, dementia and some cancers.

Dr. Jenny Harries, Deputy Medical Director at PHE, said, “I know firsthand that juggling the priorities of everyday life often means exercise takes a back seat.

“Walking to the shops instead of driving or going for a brisk 10-minute walk on your lunch break each day can add many healthy years to your life.”

For more ways to stay in shape despite modern routines, read “How to Fit Exercise into a Busy Schedule.”

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