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North Korea Update

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North Korea Update

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Despite recent indications that the U.S. military success in Iraq may have softened North Korea’s stance (they are now discussing multi-lateral negotiations regarding their nuclear program), there have been two important recent developments. Firstly, the significance of the UN was once again reduced as China this time threatened to veto any Security Council statement denouncing North Korea’s behavior. This continues to remove the UN as the world’s moral authority, but also indicates where North Korea’s support is coming from. Secondly, although not as significant, North Korea continues to ratchet up the rhetoric, at least with neighboring countries in the region, especially if they are friendly toward the U.S. North Korea again threatened Japan, with its official KCNA news agency saying that Japan should be “clearly mindful that it is also within the striking range” of North Korean missiles.

The purpose of all this, as we have mentioned here before, is to maintain America’s, and the world’s focus, here, or more precisely anywhere but in Europe. Europe is on the verge of implementing a Constitution and giving itself a President. The UN continues to decline in significance. The Roman Catholic Church waits patiently. NATO has been reduced. And the U.S. and UK are left dealing with the world’s hot spots, oblivious to their own dire needs.

Source: The Washington Post; BBC News

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