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May 21, 2011—Countdown to “Judgment Day”?

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May 21, 2011—Countdown to “Judgment Day”?

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Followers of Harold Camping, president of the Christian radio network Family Stations Inc., are taking to the streets: proselytizing, handing out pamphlets, wearing end-times paraphernalia, holding banners and signs, as well as buying up space on billboards across the United States and putting a full-page ad in USA Today. Their objective is to warn that “Judgment Day” will occur on May 21, 2011.

One supporter of this “Judgment Day” theory explained to NPR News what he believes will happen on May 21: “…starting in the Pacific Rim at around the 6 p.m. local time hour, in each time zone, there will be a great earthquake, such as has never been in the history of the Earth…and on top of all that, there’s no more salvation at that point. And then the Bible [according to Mr. Camping] says it will be 153 days later that the entire universe and planet Earth will be destroyed forever.”

To get the message out, many are spending large sums of their own money for billboard space and other advertisements. For example, the New York Post reported that one man quit his job of 26 years and has spent his entire life savings—over $140,000—on ads placed in bus kiosks and subway cars.

Mr. Camping’s interpretation of Bible prophecy is certainly turning heads, and causing many to ask, “Is Judgment Day really here?” Yet the Bible offers irrefutable proof that this date IS NOT the end.

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