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The U.S. as World Cop

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The U.S. as World Cop

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U.S. troops in Liberia? At the beginning of the current U.S. administration, such a notion would have been scoffed at and quickly disregarded. There was, at that time, a certain urge to return to a former isolationist view of the world, caring only about a very few critical areas, and disregarding the rest with some contempt. Of course, September 11th quickly changed all that. However, even now, a quiet subtle wind of change seems to be blowing across U.S. foreign affairs.

The situation in Afghanistan continues to simmer and require much U.S. attention. The peace of a post-Taliban/al-Qaeda era simply does not exist. In a recent 24-hour period, 64 people were killed. In Iraq, what was supposed to be a quick “in and out” war is now becoming a “generational” commitment. Can you imagine U.S. troops in Iraq for the next 20 years? In addition, while North Korea enters a nuclear missile alliance with Iran, it has to, at the same time, negotiate with the U.S., China, South Korea and Japan. China itself continues to build up forces across from Taiwan and develop more and various missiles. The U.S. remains a committed ally of Israel while at the same time committed to a Middle East peace plan.

Can the U.S. afford to have such a diverse and widespread foreign affairs policy? Can it afford not to? How will Europe and the Muslim world view the U.S. during a generation in Iraq? When will China force Taiwan to return to the “motherland”? What would the U.S. be able to do about it? Many questions—and the answers lie ahead.

Source: Christian Science Monitor

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