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D-Day: 80 Years Later

June 6 marked the 80th anniversary of D-Day, when Allied forces stormed northern France, turning the tide of World War II. Defeat would have meant a very different world, formed in the image of Adolf Hitler’s Third Reich.

What the April 8 Eclipse Really Meant

For months leading up to April 8, talk of the eclipse captured America’s attention. People from far-flung areas of the country traveled hundreds or even thousands of miles to the path of totality, wanting to witness the once-in-a-lifetime phenomenon. The eclipse crossed the nation, forming a ribbon from southwest Texas to Maine, with The Restored Church of God’s World Headquarters in Wadsworth, Ohio, in its direct path.

Past Articles

10 Bible Verses Christendom Ignores January 1, 2017 RELIGION
12 Rules for Studying the Bible (Part 2) August 11, 2023 RELIGION
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Are There Laws to Success? July 3, 2002 ANALYSIS
Are You Being Called? September 3, 2019 RELIGION
“And There Shall Be Pestilences…” April 23, 2020 ANALYSIS
Are Christmas Traditions Christian? November 10, 2006 HOLIDAYS
Are We in the Last Days? June 7, 2010 PROPHECY
America and Britain in Bible Prophecy March 1, 2018 PROPHECY
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The Coming Economic Collapse! December 10, 2009 ECONOMY & PERSONAL FINANCE
The Coming Global Financial Collapse! February 25, 2011 ECONOMY & PERSONAL FINANCE
Can the Bible’s Authority Be Proven? November 8, 2005 RELIGION
Coming—The Utopia All Long For! March 8, 2004 ANALYSIS
Cracks in the Christmas Legacy November 16, 2022 RELIGION
Can Christians Believe in Evolution? (Part 1) July 1, 2017 SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY
Confronting the Reality of Divorce and Remarriage February 29, 2008 MARRIAGE & FAMILY
Childrearing—God’s Way February 7, 2011 MARRIAGE & FAMILY
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Does Church Attendance Matter? May 5, 2021 RELIGION
Does Hell Exist? May 1, 2018 RELIGION
Do Christians “Just Show Love”? July 2, 2018 RELIGION
Do the Saved Go to Heaven? April 1, 2008 RELIGION
Do Christians Vote? September 13, 2004 POLITICS
Did God Send Nostradamus? January 10, 2010 PROPHECY
D-Day: 80 Years Later June 25, 2024 ANALYSIS
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Easter – Its Ancient Origins February 27, 2015 HOLIDAYS
The End to All Conflict June 25, 2020 PROPHECY
Easter’s Ancient Origins March 6, 2020 RELIGION
An End to War May 10, 2004 ANALYSIS
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God’s Tithing Law March 6, 2009 ECONOMY & PERSONAL FINANCE
God’s Key to Financial Prosperity November 2, 2020 ECONOMY & PERSONAL FINANCE
Good News Ahead! January 10, 2009 RELIGION
Awesome Prophecies Unveiled! May 10, 2009 RELIGION
The Greatest Untold Story! March 15, 2024 PROPHECY
The Greatest Nations in Prophecy July 8, 2004 PROPHECY
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How World Peace Will Come! August 24, 2011 PROPHECY
How God’s Kingdom Will Come November 1, 2018 PROPHECY
Have the Last Days Arrived? February 3, 2009 RELIGION
How Was the Bible Canonized? – Part 2 September 1, 2015 RELIGION
Healing—the Bible Truth October 30, 2023 HEALTH ISSUES
Has Your Life Been Predetermined? November 1, 2022 RELIGION
Have You Committed the Unforgivable Sin? January 2, 2023 RELIGION
A Happy Marriage – Possible? July 7, 2005 MARRIAGE & FAMILY
How to Avoid Ingratitude November 4, 2019 SOCIETY & LIFESTYLES
The Human Mind—What None Can Discover March 1, 2019 SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY
The Human Mind—What None Can Discover! January 19, 2012 SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY
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Identifying the Church Jesus Christ Built February 28, 2023 RELIGION
Is World Peace Possible? February 1, 2008 ANALYSIS
Is Heaven Your Reward? January 5, 2011 RELIGION
Inside a Unique Magazine January 31, 2013 FEATURE
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Live the Abundant Life! July 21, 2011 RELIGION
Live the Abundant Life! July 8, 2019 RELIGION
Life After Death? September 5, 2008 ANALYSIS
Looking for Hope in a Year Like No Other December 23, 2020 ANALYSIS
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Modern Education’s Only Hope! May 1, 2019 EDUCATION
Making Sense of COVID-19 May 28, 2020 HEALTH ISSUES
Man’s Insoluble Problems—Why? May 2, 2008 RELIGION
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The New World Order – How Peace Will Come! September 14, 2010 ANALYSIS
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What Pearl Harbor Can Teach Us Today December 7, 2016 ANALYSIS
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Raise Your Children God’s Way March 1, 2021 MARRIAGE & FAMILY
Right Dating in a World Gone Wrong! April 17, 2012 SOCIETY & LIFESTYLES
Rearing Children in the Modern Age February 10, 2007 MARRIAGE & FAMILY
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Special Tribute to Mrs. Shirley M. Pack August 10, 2007 PROFILE
See Beyond the Bad News! January 2, 2020 ANALYSIS
Should Christians Celebrate New Year’s? November 12, 2021 HOLIDAYS
Sex – Its Unknown Dimension May 5, 2005 MARRIAGE & FAMILY
The Seven Laws to Success July 12, 2010 SOCIETY & LIFESTYLES
Solve Your Financial Worries! December 28, 2007 ECONOMY & PERSONAL FINANCE
Solve Your Financial Worries! December 1, 2015 ECONOMY & PERSONAL FINANCE
The Sabbath—What Few Understand March 14, 2012 RELIGION
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Good News—Just Ahead! September 1, 2017 RELIGION
The True Jesus – Unknown! June 5, 2009 RELIGION
The Truth About Baptism October 1, 2014 RELIGION
Three Persons in One Being? March 11, 2005 RELIGION
‘The Unknown God’ July 10, 2006 RELIGION
True Conversion—Explained! May 1, 2016 RELIGION
Two Keys to Success! July 1, 2016 SOCIETY & LIFESTYLES
Today’s Problems: What Everyone Misses December 20, 2021 ANALYSIS
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A Window into Agriculture’s Future July 1, 2014 WEATHER & ENVIRONMENT
Understanding the Book of Revelation June 2, 2008 RELIGION
The True Church—Identifying It – Part 3 November 12, 2013 RELIGION
When Is a Christian “Born Again”? April 3, 2014 RELIGION
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World News Report: December 2014 December 12, 2014 RELIGION
What Is Your Reward in the Next Life? September 8, 2009 RELIGION
Why Does God Allow Suffering? September 20, 2011 RELIGION
What Does It Mean to Be “Called”? November 16, 2011 RELIGION
What Is the Kingdom of God? June 10, 2011 RELIGION
What Is Conversion? July 21, 2011 RELIGION
World News Report: May 2014 May 6, 2014 MIDDLE EAST
World News Report: August 2014 August 20, 2014 MIDDLE EAST
World News Report: June 2015 June 12, 2015 MIDDLE EAST
Will Europe’s Economy Collapse? March 14, 2012 EUROPE
World News Report: September 2015 September 10, 2015 EUROPE
World News Report: December 2012 December 13, 2012 MIDDLE EAST
World News Report: September 2013 September 10, 2013 MIDDLE EAST
World News Report: December 2013 December 11, 2013 MIDDLE EAST
Why This Magazine! February 10, 2003 MEDIA
World News Report: October 2014 October 27, 2014 HEALTH ISSUES
A World Without Faith October 3, 2008 RELIGION
Why Does God Allow Suffering? March 10, 2003 RELIGION
Who Authorized Sunday Worship? August 31, 2007 RELIGION
Which Is the Real Gospel? – Part 2 November 10, 2003 RELIGION
Which Is the Real Gospel? – Part 1 September 10, 2003 RELIGION
Where Is God’s True Church? July 7, 2005 RELIGION
What Is the Origin of Human Nature? January 10, 2007 RELIGION
World News Report: May 2015 May 20, 2015 ANALYSIS
World News Report: January 2017 January 11, 2017 ANALYSIS
World News Report: March 2017 March 10, 2017 ANALYSIS
World News Report: April 2017 April 20, 2017 ANALYSIS
World News Report: May 2017 May 10, 2017 ANALYSIS
World News Report: June 2017 June 9, 2017 ANALYSIS
World News Report: June-July 2013 July 9, 2013 ANALYSIS
Why Must There Be Human Suffering? March 10, 2010 ANALYSIS
What Makes Your Mind Unique? December 31, 2004 ANALYSIS
Why Do You Exist? November 8, 2004 ANALYSIS
A World Held Captive June 27, 2012 ANALYSIS
World News Report: October November 1, 2010 INTERNATIONAL
World News Report: November December 3, 2010 INTERNATIONAL
World News Report: February February 2, 2011 INTERNATIONAL
World News Report: November November 18, 2011 INTERNATIONAL
World News Report: March 2012 March 14, 2012 INTERNATIONAL
World News Report: April 2012 April 12, 2012 INTERNATIONAL
World News Report: May 2012 May 9, 2012 INTERNATIONAL
World News Report: June 2012 June 25, 2012 INTERNATIONAL
World News Report: September 2012 September 10, 2012 INTERNATIONAL
World News Report: October 2012 November 2, 2012 INTERNATIONAL
World News Report: January-February 2013 February 13, 2013 INTERNATIONAL
World News Report: March-April 2013 April 17, 2013 INTERNATIONAL
World News Report: February 2014 February 21, 2014 INTERNATIONAL
World News Report: March 2014 March 10, 2014 INTERNATIONAL
World News Report: July 2014 July 8, 2014 INTERNATIONAL
World News Report: September 2014 September 10, 2014 INTERNATIONAL
World News Report: January 2015 January 15, 2015 INTERNATIONAL
World News Report: April 2015 April 7, 2015 INTERNATIONAL
World News Report: February 2016 February 10, 2016 INTERNATIONAL
World News Report: June 2016 June 9, 2016 INTERNATIONAL
World News Report: August 2016 August 9, 2016 INTERNATIONAL
World News Report: August 2015 August 13, 2015 WEATHER & ENVIRONMENT
What the April 8 Eclipse Really Meant May 23, 2024 SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY
Why Extreme Weather Is Increasing! – Part One May 4, 2012 WEATHER & ENVIRONMENT
Why Extreme Weather Is Increasing! – Part 2 May 25, 2012 WEATHER & ENVIRONMENT
What Few Understand About Sex September 27, 2012 MARRIAGE & FAMILY
Where Did Satan Come From? May 4, 2023 RELIGION
What Is Human Nature? July 2, 2013 SOCIETY & LIFESTYLES
What Are God’s Annual Holy Days? September 13, 2023 RELIGION
Why Is a Savior Necessary? February 28, 2024 RELIGION
What Is Armageddon? September 1, 2014 PROPHECY
When Christ Returns… January 4, 2011 PROPHECY
World News Report: October 2013 October 11, 2013 POLITICS
World News Report: June 2014 June 9, 2014 POLITICS
What the Midterm Elections Mean for America November 25, 2014 POLITICS
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You Can Live the Abundant Life! April 29, 2003 SOCIETY & LIFESTYLES
Your Marriage Can Be Happy! January 1, 2018 MARRIAGE & FAMILY
Your Awesome Potential! – Part 1 January 1, 2016 RELIGION
Your Awesome Potential! – Part 2 March 1, 2016 RELIGION
You Can Overcome Sin! September 1, 2018 RELIGION
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