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Subscribe NowOne crisis after another is breaking out around the world, with each seemingly as bad or worse than the previous one. And these problems run the gamut—war, terror and aggression, famine, disease, political corruption, storms, earthquakes, volcanic activity, violent protests, immorality, religious confusion, and economic turmoil, among others.
Mankind has created institutions to try to combat these issues, yet the problems only grow worse. In Western democracies, the people elect leaders to represent them. These governments are then supposed to implement lasting solutions to make life better for its citizenry. Why then do conditions continually deteriorate?
In the United States, tens of millions were waiting with almost bated breath for the highly politicized midterm elections held on the first Tuesday in November. (But perhaps as many more millions were also waiting around the world to see what would happen in the government of the planet’s most powerful nation.) The question was: which political party—Republicans or Democrats—will rule Congress? This governing body is made up of the Senate and House of Representatives. Republicans already controlled the House, but by winning back the Senate from Democrats, Republicans could be better positioned to block the Democratic U.S. president’s agenda.
The GOP accomplished their goal and gained a majority of Senate seats. In response, the president vowed to move forward with his agenda.
The Republicans also rose to nearly the highest number of elected people in the House of Representatives that the nation has ever seen, going back as far as 1929. The more fractious wing of the now governing party, the conservative Tea Party element, has also been relegated to a much smaller role because the Republican speaker of the House does not need their votes to act in concert with the Senate to present what would be only slightly less conservative ideas without them to the president for signature. But many expect that the president will likely veto almost any proposed law that is sent to him, anyway. Much of the gridlock will likely continue and the bitterness will certainly deepen.
Americans also elected two more Republican governors, which took the total from 29 to 31 instead of an anticipated reduction to 23-25 as many had predicted. Additionally, seven more state legislative chambers rolled over from Democrat to Republican, thus giving both existing and newly elected Republican governors greater power within their states. This was a tsunami against the present executive administration.
What does this political shift mean for the United States?
A real constitutional crisis could be brewing in this country! Some commentators are predicting that America is moving into its “most dangerous period since the Civil War.” And the number of these voices of alarm is growing. Big questions arise: At some point, will state governors begin to actively resist the current American administration? Will the National Guard be employed by certain governors acting on their own to, as they see it, protect their state’s, and the nation’s, borders? Will Republican governors and their state legislators in some way act in concert with a now emboldened federal Republican House and Senate to address the string of scandals and claims of lawlessness occurring at the top of the country? And what will the Supreme Court and other federal judges do to rein in what some perceive to be brazen unconstitutional acts?
Could there be a positive side to all of this—at least in the short term? When conservative governments prevail, greater prosperity often follows, though not immediately. In America, it has usually been the Republican Party that has been most pro-business and most free market in thinking. (In fact, the stock market in America gained many hundreds of billions of dollars in value over the week before the election just in anticipation that the Republicans would win.) Yet these same free-market policies often give way to out-of-control greed. For instance, an Oxfam report recently revealed that “the 85 richest billionaires on the planet…have as much money as the 3.5 billion poorest people” (USA Today). This increasing gap between the rich and poor is shocking, and much of it is due to capitalism run amok!
Other analysts predict that the descent of the nation into so much raw perversion and amorality may be slowed in part because more conservative federal judges and Supreme Court justices will be selected, but also because certain laws will no longer be passed at the state or federal level. Others may be repealed. That said, a country under more conservative leadership is not without its problems. Take economic prosperity. While it does provide more money to spend, it can also cause people to move even deeper into covetousness and partying than they are now able to afford under current conditions.
Watch the political and social landscape of America very, very closely over the coming weeks and months. Republicans will begin as soon as possible trying to slowly undo nearly everything that the American president has done (almost immediately after being sworn in January 3). They will also do everything in their power to block what they see as “damaging policies” in his remaining agenda through the final two years of his term.
The American people overwhelmingly selected Republican candidates to fix the nation’s problems—a move typical of an electorate fed up with the status quo. (A similar shift took place in 2006 as Democrats gained power under a Republican president.) Many people throughout the United States are now filled with hope for a brighter future. They are looking to conservative leadership to save the day. (Incidentally, at the time of this writing, at least 23 Republicans are already jockeying for position to be their party’s nominee in the 2016 presidential race. However, when the time comes, will they be able to set aside their differences, come together, and support one candidate? Only time will tell, but history shows that this is highly unlikely.)
Will the Republican Party deliver the peace and prosperity that Americans long for?
Mankind believes that their political institutions will ultimately solve society’s great problems. Yet history has proven that neither Republicans nor Democrats have successfully brought long-term peace, stability and economic prosperity. This also obviously includes independent parties. Problems continue to worsen, even in America, the most prosperous nation the world has ever seen. In the end, elected officials follow in the footsteps of their predecessors, unable to bring about the necessary change.
Despite the majority of Americans now putting their trust in Republicans, in time, as always happens when the situation does not improve, the public will shift right back to the other political party to repair the problems the previous party failed to fix. You have probably witnessed this cycle many times. Consider. How many times have people voted for someone, expecting them to make life better, yet conditions did not improve?
Why does this cycle occur over and over? Political commentators have opinions about how the future will play out. Yet none truly understand why these problems never seem to go away. They are failing to examine the only source that could show them the truth.
The answer to what lies ahead can be found by understanding a basic truth: man cannot rule himself. Political systems built by mankind have all utterly failed to bring the peace and prosperity elected officials promise. Men’s governments ultimately never work.
God, through the prophet Isaiah, described man’s ways in the following powerful passage: “The way of peace they know not; and there is no judgment in their goings: they have made them crooked paths: whosoever goes therein shall not know peace. Therefore is judgment far from us, neither does justice overtake us: we wait for light, but behold obscurity; for brightness, but we walk in darkness. We grope for the wall like the blind, and we grope as if we had no eyes: we stumble at noonday as in the night…” (59:8-10).
How true!
This is again because the governments of men simply do not work! They have never succeeded in finding permanent solutions to civilization’s problems, because they lack the essential knowledge necessary to solve them. They do not have the answers to the most important questions. Man does not, of himself, understand the path to peace—or, for that matter, the path to true abundance, happiness, health and prosperity. The greatest thinkers, leaders, educators and scientists have failed miserably in their quest for peace on Earth. God has not yet revealed to mankind, as a whole, how to achieve the solution to war.
The prophet Jeremiah wrote: “O Lord, I know that the way of man is not in himself: it is not in man that walks to direct his steps” (10:23). This is another incredible statement. When confronted with problems or important decisions, men simply do not know what to do! They are at a loss for how to correctly address and solve the complex challenges, difficulties and problems engulfing civilization today. Solutions born of human reasoning always generate more problems.
How badly is man botching his efforts to solve his problems? So badly that, without intervention by Almighty God in the affairs of men, all human life on Earth would soon be wiped out (Matt. 24:21-22). Pollution, food and water shortages, disease and the use of weapons of mass destruction would bring mankind to extinction. Mercifully, God will not allow events to go that far. His marvelous purpose and plan is working precisely on time toward a happy and peaceful end—a solving of all humanity’s troubles!
There is hope for the United States, and for the rest of the world! God will soon intervene in the affairs of men and establish His government—one that will permanently solve humanity’s problems. Notice another prophecy from Isaiah, speaking of Christ’s Second Coming and the setting up of God’s kingdom: “Unto us a Child is born [Christ], unto us a Son is given: and the government shall be upon His shoulder: and His name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The Mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. Of the increase of His government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon His kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even forever. The zeal of the Lord of Hosts will perform this” (9:6-7).
To learn more about the soon-coming, world-ruling kingdom of God, read our inspiring booklets What Is the Kingdom of God? and How World Peace Will Come!
If the above accounts reflect terrible division within a country, the next quotes show division between countries. In Europe, the relationship between Britain and the European Union is in deep trouble! After the EU hit Britain with a completely unanticipated 1.7 billion pound sterling bill ($2.7 billion), much WILD discussion has taken place about Britain exiting the European bloc. British Prime Minister David Cameron has not held back his disdain for the EU’s recent actions: “Red-faced with anger, the Prime Minister vowed to block payment of the ‘completely unacceptable’ surcharge presented by EU officials in a surprise overhaul of national contributions. ‘It is not acceptable, it is an appalling way to behave,’ Mr. Cameron said.
“Calls for the UK to withdraw from the EU intensified yesterday following the cash demand, which will cost every family in the country £65. And he admitted the latest insult to UK taxpayers—with the bill due to be paid by December 1st—was undermining his drive to keep Britain in the EU. When pressed on the issue by the Daily Express he [admitted]: ‘It certainly doesn’t help, put it that way’” (Daily Express).
The bill, part of the EU financial structure, kicks in when countries perform better than expected. Germany, France and Poland are all scheduled to receive rebates since their economies underperformed. In other words, Britain (and Italy plus one or two more countries) are now going to pay money to countries that did not do well. This is called redistribution of wealth.
But the situation has worsened in another regard. Earlier this week, German Chancellor Angela Merkel strongly rebuffed Mr. Cameron over one of his recent immigration proposals (italics added): “David Cameron has been warned by German chancellor Angela Merkel that she would rather see the UK leave the European Union than change freedom of movement rules, according to reports. Downing Street on Sunday did not deny that the conversation had taken place, after German newspaper Der Spiegel said Merkel had rejected Cameron’s demands for a cap on unskilled migrants. Sources told the newspaper that the chancellor said demands for any changes to freedom of movement rules represented a ‘point of no return’ and that this would be it for the UK’s membership” (The Guardian).
The same article also revealed a shocking turnaround by the British government to appease Germany: “Over the weekend, the Sunday Times also reported that the prime minister has dropped plans for quotas in a bid to placate the Germans and that Cameron is now looking at whether the government can ask EU immigrants to leave the country unless they can support themselves within three months of arriving in the UK.”
David Cameron has promised that if he wins the coming May 2015 election he will have an “in-or-out referendum” regarding EU membership in 2017.
Bible prophecy reveals that the tense relationship between Britain and the EU (think Germany) will eventually—if not soon!—come to a full boil. Many Bible passages show that the modern nations that are descended from ancient Israel will not be part of the coming European superpower—the period called by Jesus Christ “the times of the Gentiles” (Luke 21:24). They will either be kicked out or leave this union on their own accord. It appears that we are already seeing more than the beginning of this process.
To learn more about the future of the United States and Britain, read my eye-opening book America and Britain in Prophecy. It reveals the incredible history of these two nations, along with their role in great prophecies to come.