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Subscribe NowIn the Middle East and adjacent regions (think Syria, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan and Pakistan), across Europe, Asia, Africa (Libya, Egypt, Kenya and Nigeria), the United States, and the world over, we see the usual problems but always more and worse—explosions, crime, pollution, deadly accidents, war, famine, disease outbreaks, earthquakes, horrific storms, political division, corruption at every level in every government, cultural hatred, religious confusion, and worsening immorality.
Focusing on the turbulent Middle East, think about the recent “deal” between Iran and six other nations (America, Russia, China, France, Britain and Germany). The “interim” arrangement starts a kind of “clock” (six months) to find a long-term solution. In the meantime, Israel knows it cannot dare initiate a pre-emptive strike on Iran’s nuclear program. Their hands are tied, for now.
The Telegraph reported this: “The interim nuclear agreement with Iran, touted by its proponents as a ‘historic deal,’ has been described as a ‘historic mistake’ by Israel’s prime minister, Binyamin Netanyahu…The six-month deal is a mixed bag. On the positive side it stems the tide of Iranian nuclearisation by setting its clock slightly back, temporarily capping Iran's nuclear facilities, array of centrifuges and stockpile of low-enriched uranium, and improving the monitoring regime. On the other hand, Iranian enrichment has been accepted as part of the endgame; the clock in the uranium and plutonium tracks continues to tick, albeit at a slower pace; Iran’s stockpile of low-enriched uranium (enough for at least five bombs) remains intact; Iranian concessions are all reversible; and International Atomic Energy Agency concerns about military dimensions have not been addressed.”
Some analysts are already expecting the recent diplomatic talks to fail since Iran will never allow its nuclear program to be dismantled, making any permanent solution impossible. Waiting six months may not do anything but give the Iranians more time to develop their program en route to nuclear weapons. In fact, Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani recently stated on a state TV channel, “Enrichment, which is one part of our nuclear right, will continue, it is continuing today and it will continue tomorrow and our enrichment will never stop and this is our redline” (Fars News Agency).
The Iranians also announced, just eight days after signing, that they are going to build four more nuclear reactors. Does this sound like a country that has been told or that believes it will have to get out of the “nuclear” business in six months? Of course not. Do businesses that have been required until now to boycott Iran believe that the Security Council of the United Nations will ever be able to enforce such a ban? Of course not. They are rushing at this moment to begin doing business with Iran as though “the bell rang and school is out.” Momentum has been lost forever. Reversing the world’s reversal on Iran will almost certainly never happen.
The most is at stake for tiny Israel, but also for other Middle Eastern nations who would be affected if war breaks out. Of course, Israel sees through what is happening, and it will soon be faced with one of the most important decisions in its history.
Benjamin Netanyahu held his first meeting with Pope Francis recently. The Jerusalem Post stated, “Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu met with Pope Francis in a 25-minute closed-door meeting Monday, with a host of geo-political and religious issues on the agenda as well as a formal invitation for the pontiff to visit the Holy Land next year. It was the first time the two leaders met face to face…According to political experts, Netanyahu’s trip, which also includes a meeting with Italian Prime Minister Enrico Letta, is important for all sides: for Netanyahu as he tries to rally support for a hard-line stance against Iran, for Italy as it seeks to play its traditional role as a bridge builder in the Middle East, and for the Vatican as it looks to reassert its role as a global player after several years in which that role was reduced.”
Keep watching world events! Prophetic trends are rapidly speeding up.