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Subscribe NowThis month’s news report includes a lengthier update on European conditions. The pieces are quickly slamming into place in what those who understand Bible prophecy realize will ultimately lead to a powerful union of nations (Rev. 13, 17). More world leaders, economists and institutions are recognizing that Europe as never in its history is at a financial crossroads, and that firm and sweeping action is needed from somewhere or someone. Yet this is only one region of the world where events are rapidly moving into final position for the fulfillment of the greatest prophecies in the Bible.
Notice this from a recent article in The Economist (italics and other emphasis mine): “What will become of the European Union? One road leads to the full break-up of the euro, with all its economic and political repercussions. The other involves an unprecedented transfer of wealth across Europe’s borders and, in return, a corresponding surrender of sovereignty. Separate or superstate: those seem to be the alternatives now…This has become a test of over 60 years of European integration. Only if Europeans share a sense of common purpose will a GRAND DEAL to save the single currency be seen as legitimate. Only if it is legitimate can it last. Most of all, it is a test of Germany. Chancellor Angela Merkel maintains that the threat of the euro’s failure is needed to keep wayward governments on the path of reform. But German brinkmanship is corroding the belief that the euro has a future, which raises the cost of a rescue and hastens the very collapse she says she wants to avoid. Ultimately, Europe’s choice will be made in Berlin.”
None of this should be surprising to those who understand the role of ancient Assyria—modern Germany—in prophecy.
Before examining more related articles, an overview is necessary. While watching the fulfillment of these Bible prophecies is often inspiring, recognize that the coming 10-nation European bloc will have unprecedented political, economic, military and religious power. Be sure you do not get swept up in the “excitement” of prophecy and lose sight of the big picture—meaning what it means for all nations.
Politically, European nations understand that for the EU to stay together, there must be increased integration. Behind the scenes, discussions are taking place about how to restructure the European political system to bring this unity. Earlier in May, when German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble received the International Charlemagne Prize, he used the opportunity to emphasize the need for a directly elected president of the European Commission. He stated (italics mine), “Europe’s political unity must have a face and that face must represent a legitimate power…We must now create a political union in Europe…” Then there was a recent firmer call from German Chancellor Angela Merkel for a stronger political union. She stated that “more Europe” is needed, along with “a political union first and foremost” (BBC). Ms. Merkel continued, “Step by step we must from now on give up more competences to Europe, and allow Europe more powers of control” (ibid.). But virtually everything in politics is ultimately about the money—who has it and where it goes. The well-known joke that rewrites the biblical Golden Rule is that, “He who has the gold, rules.” Remember that GERMANY HAS THE GOLD (money)—almost all of it in Europe—and the gold ALWAYS RULES!
Economically, a core group of fiscally stronger nations is beginning to form. This began a few years ago when it was revealed just how dire conditions were in Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain and Ireland. Greece’s economy is in such bad shape that the current “best case” solution is for it to leave the Eurozone and return to its previous currency, the drachma. Experts agree that this is all but inevitable. Then there is France. Although most commentators and analysts would disagree, France’s future in the European Union is much shakier under its new far left Socialist President Francois Hollande. In a time when Germany is calling for more austerity, the French people voted for more spending. All of this is causing more calls for tighter fiscal union. Next notice this recent article: “EU leaders have tasked council chief Herman Van Rompuy with drafting a plan on deepening the eurozone’s economic union, potentially via an inter-governmental treaty. After more than five hours of talks on the need to strengthen growth policies while sticking to the already strengthened deficit rules, EU leaders on Wednesday night (May 23) agreed to come back to these issues at a formal summit on June 28. ‘Our discussion also demonstrated that we need to take the economic and monetary union to a new stage. There was a general consensus that we need to strengthen the economic union to make it commensurate with the monetary union,’ Van Rompuy said…” (EUobserver).
Wherever there is political union—one nation alone or a tightly joined alliance of nations—there is always necessarily a military component. Again, there has to be such. There must be enforcement of rules between or within the nations. Militarily, the EU is increasing its use of force and expanding its military jurisdiction: “EU naval forces have conducted their first raid on pirate bases on the Somali mainland, saying they have destroyed several boats…The EU recently agreed to expand Operation Atalanta to allow forces to attack land targets as well as those at sea, and this is the first time its forces have used the new rules to attack a base on the mainland…The multinational forces used helicopters in conjunction with two warships to leave five of the pirates’ fast attack craft ‘inoperable’” (BBC). Realize that this is but the barest beginning of military capability that European nations collectively possess.
Finally, regarding religion, one of the most shocking articles I have ever read came out this month. The pope has begun a loud call for the enforcement of Sunday-keeping. Here is what the Catholic News Service reported: “The demands of work can’t bully people out of needed time off, Pope Benedict XVI said. Sunday MUST be a day of rest for EVERYONE, so people can be free to be with their families and with God, the pope said” (emphasis mine).
Again, all of this should tremendously sober those who are watching world conditions. The pieces on God’s final “chessboard” are being put into place.
Regarding events in the Middle East, after the country took a sharp turn to the right following the Arab Spring, Egypt held its first presidential election in May. Run-off elections were held last Saturday and Sunday (June 16-17), and included the top two winners of the initial elections. At this point, not surprisingly the Muslim Brotherhood’s candidate—Mohammed Morsi—won, with a total of 52 percent of the vote. The runner-up was Ahmed Shafiq (48 percent), a former member of Mubarak’s regime. Earlier this month, Ahmed Shafiq intensified his political attacks on Morsi, warning Egyptian women and Christians that if the Muslim Brotherhood candidate wins, it would herald another “dark ages.” Here is Shafiq’s stark description of what is at stake in Egypt: “I represent a civil state, the Brotherhood represents a sectarian Brotherhood state. I represent moving forward, they represent going backwards…Women of Egypt, I will not permit that the powers of extremism take you back to the dark ages” (Reuters).
The revolutionaries behind the toppling of the previous government were very disillusioned and upset with the remaining two presidential candidates, and evidently chose the lesser of two evils in their minds. The Associated Press reported this: “The second round pitting Shafiq, who was ousted President Hosni Mubarak’s last prime minister, against Morsi, backed by the country’s most powerful Islamist movement, is a nightmare scenario for the thousands of Egyptians who took to the streets last year to demand regime change, freedom and social equality. Many of the so-called revolutionaries say they want neither a return to the old regime nor religious rule.” One Egyptian man put it this way: “‘The choice can’t be between a religious state and an autocratic state. Then we have done nothing…’” (ibid.).
In Houla, Syria, an area consisting of farming villages, 108 people (many of them women and children) were brutally massacred. This is just the latest in a string of attacks over the last almost 16 months in what has been a long, harsh clampdown by the government on protesters and rebels. This massacre played a role in nations around the world recently expelling their ambassadors and diplomats from the country. The United States, Britain, Canada, Australia, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Bulgaria and the Netherlands all took diplomatic action to pressure Syrian President Bashar Assad, who continues to be under fire for his harsh handling of protests. The United Nations estimates that around 9,000 have been killed so far in an uprising that began with the Egyptian revolution early last year.