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Drive to End Global Hunger Has Stalled, UN Warns

ROME (Reuters) – A goal to eliminate global hunger by 2030 looks increasingly impossible to achieve, with the number of people suffering chronic hunger barely changed over the past year, a United Nations report said on Wednesday.

Inquiry Finds 200,000 People Were Abused in Care in New Zealand Over Decades in ‘National Disgrace’

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) – New Zealand’s independent inquiry into decades of abuse of children and vulnerable adults released a blistering final report Wednesday finding the country’s state agencies and churches failed to prevent, stop or admit to the mistreatment of those in their care.

December 2007
Dec 28 Weather & Environment Global Food Supplies Threatened
Dec 25 Economy & Personal Finance U.S. Sinks Deeper Into Credit Card Debt
Dec 24 Weather & Environment Strict Water Measures for Raleigh, N.C.
Dec 20 Health Issues 1 in 8 Died of Cancer in ‘07
Dec 13 Weather & Environment Deadly Ice Storm Strikes U.S. Midwest
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November 2007
Nov 29 Australia & South Pacific Australia Elects a New Prime Minister
Nov 29 Weather & Environment Report: Global Warming Is “Unequivocal”
Nov 26 Health Issues U.S. Rise in STDs Breaking Records
Nov 9 Science & Technology Bee Disappearance Linked to Virus
Nov 2 Weather & Environment Southern Mexico: Worst Flooding in 50 Years
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October 2007
Oct 31 Weather & Environment Containment of California Fires Still Days Away
Oct 31 Health Issues Juvenile Bipolar Disorder Skyrockets
Oct 23 Weather & Environment U.S. Southeast Drought Grows Worse
Oct 22 Terrorism & Security Terror in Pakistan: Explosions Kill 136
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September 2007
Sep 12 Health Issues Dark Fruits as Cancer Fighters
Sep 6 Terrorism & Security Update: Germany Arrests Terror Suspects
Sep 5 Terrorism & Security Germany Foils “Massive” Terror Attacks
Sep 4 Geopolitics Britain Closes Base in Basra
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August 2007
Aug 31 Weather & Environment Midwest Drenched by Weeks of Rain and Floods
Aug 31 Weather & Environment Thousands Flee as Fires Rage Across Greece
Aug 31 Economy & Personal Finance U.S. Housing Market Riddled With Uncertainty
Aug 17 Society & Lifestyles Will Bulletproof Backpacks Become the Norm?
Aug 15 Society & Lifestyles Child Sexual Solicitations on the Rise
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July 2007
Jul 27 Weather & Environment Flooding in Britain—No Power, No Water, No Food
Jul 20 Society & Lifestyles World Shifting From Rural to Urban
Jul 11 Society & Lifestyles Meth Use Among Youth Higher Than Expected
Jul 4 Economy & Personal Finance Britons Drowning in Personal Debt
Jul 3 Terrorism & Security Britons Fear Summer of Terrorism
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June 2007
Jun 29 Weather & Environment Deadly Summer Temperatures Engulf Europe
Jun 21 Society & Lifestyles Abortion: Big Business
Jun 16 Society & Lifestyles The Role of Fathers Still Unappreciated
Jun 7 Health Issues Avian Flu – A Continued Threat
Jun 5 Weather & Environment Experts Predict Nine Atlantic Hurricanes in 2007
Jun 1 Society & Lifestyles Internet Blamed for South Korean Suicides
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May 2007
May 29 Weather & Environment Experts Forecast Scorching Summer Temperatures
May 17 Africa Lights Out for Zimbabwe
May 16 Middle East Renewed Gaza Bloodshed, 41 Killed
May 11 Middle East Growing Unrest in Turkey
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April 2007
Apr 26 Science & Technology Has A New “Earth” Been Discovered?
Apr 25 Weather & Environment The Australian Drought
Apr 17 Weather & Environment Massive Storm Rolls Across North America
Apr 8 Weather & Environment Tsunami Relief Effort “Chaotic and Slow”
Apr 2 Society & Lifestyles Sports Violence: Human Nature Exposed!
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March 2007
Mar 23 Society & Lifestyles Mexico’s Mindset Shifting on Homosexual Rights
Mar 22 Economy & Personal Finance U.S. Real Estate Crash?
Mar 17 Crime & Punishment Violent Crime Surging
Mar 16 Europe Britain’s Slave Trade
Mar 15 Weather & Environment Fires and Drought Ravage the United States
Mar 9 Science & Technology If the Bees Disappear…
Mar 2 Crime & Punishment Homeless Killed for “Sport”
Mar 2 Society & Lifestyles UK Marriages in Decline
Mar 2 Economy & Personal Finance World Stock Markets Follow China’s Lead
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February 2007
Feb 19 Economy & Personal Finance Record U.S. Trade Deficit
Feb 6 Health Issues Bird Flu Outbreak in Britain
Feb 1 Society & Lifestyles State Lawmaker Proposes Anti-Spanking Bill
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January 2007
Jan 24 Weather & Environment Wild Weather Continues
Jan 12 Health Issues “Embryos Made to Order”
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