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Library: Bible Prophecy

America and Britain in Prophecy

by David C. Pack

All nations are now rushing toward the grand smash events foretold to occur in the “last days.” Humanity plunges ahead—blind, pleasure-crazed and largely detached from important world events occurring daily.

American, British, Canadian and other Western leaders would take action, if they…
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Tomorrow’s Wonderful World – An Inside View!

by David C. Pack

Where is the world going? Why is it filled with problems, troubles, evils and ills, causing unhappiness, confusion and misery of every kind? What lies ahead? Is there hope for a different—and truly better—world? Yes! A wonderful world—unlike anything ever seen on Earth—is coming. Its…
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How World Peace Will Come!

by David C. Pack

All nations long for peace. Leaders negotiate for it. Armies fight for it. Many pray for it. Yet it remains more elusive than ever. But the Bible says that it will come—and soon. Here’s how!
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Revelation Explained at Last!

by David C. Pack

Staggering events foretold in your Bible will shock the whole world! Great prophecies in the book of Revelation show how and when these catastrophic events will occur.

This booklet contains vital understanding that will forever change your outlook on the future. But you must have the keys that
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Palestine and the Palestinians

Where did the Palestinians come from? Are they descendants of the biblical Canaanites? Why are they constantly at war with the Israelis? Is “Palestine” the original and proper name of the Holy Land? Here are the answers to these and other vital questions.
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What Is Armageddon?

by David C. Pack

Is it a place? An event? Is it the end of the world as we know it? Who will it involve? Few know what Armageddon means. What does the Bible really say? Now you can understand!
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Understanding the Book of Revelation

The word Revelation means “an uncovering, unveiling, a disclosure of truth.” No human interpretation can reveal its meaning. But Jesus Christ can—and has—unlocked it!
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Did God Send Nostradamus?

Millions believe Nostradamus’ writings hold the key to understanding the future. Did God use this man to warn of what lies ahead? You can know!
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America and Britain in Prophecy

Many wonder about America and Britain’s role in Bible prophecy in the last days. Are they mentioned? If so, where—and what is their future?
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Why Prophecy!

One-third of the Bible is prophecy—history written in advance. Most is yet to be fulfilled. Why does God record prophecy in His Word? What keys unlock it? What rules apply to its study?
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Nations of the West—Massive Sin and Immorality

Immorality, lawlessness, corruption and sins of every kind are now exploding across the Western world. The Bible clearly describes WHY these conditions are growing worse—and how God will soon intervene!
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