A plethora of secular and biblical evidence shows us that the Germans are identified as Assyria in the Bible. The Classical Dictionary (Smith) states, “There can be no doubt that they [Germans]…migrated into Europe from the Caucasus and the countries around the Black and Caspian Seas” (“Germania,” p. 361). The ancient Assyrians settled in this area of Mesopotamia. Their forefather, Asshur, built “great cities” like Nineveh, Calah and Resen there (Gen. 10:11-12).
In Sylax’s Periplus, the author offers more proof of Germany’s origins. In 550 B.C., Sylax wrote, “the [southern] coast of the Black Sea…is called Assyria.” During Christ’s day, the Assyrians had already begun to move north. Pliny the Elder, a Roman naturalist, wrote of “Assryiani” living on the Black Sea’s northern shores (Natural History, IV, 12, p. 183). But, of course, one does not find any Assyrians dwelling there today. They continued to migrate into the heart of Europe—the present-day location of Germany!
More evidence can be found in the German tradition stating that the city of Trier was built by Trever (Trebeta), son of Assyrian ruler King Ninus. Josef K. Bihl wrote in In Deutschen Landen, “The inhabitants of Trier maintain that their city is the oldest in all Europe…Trier was founded by Trebeta, a son of the famous Assyrian [King] Ninus. In fact, one finds…in Trier the inscription reading, ‘Trier existed for 1300 years before Rome was rebuilt’” (p. 69).
While newspapers, magazines and other news media report what happened, The Real Truth analyzes and explains the root cause of why events happen—why humanity is at a loss to solve today’s problems.
This brochure investigates the theory of evolution, revealing that there is much more to the story than what is commonly taught. After laying a truthful foundation and building upon it, the reader…