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Library: Health and Healing

Mounting Worldwide Crisis in Agriculture

by Dale Schurter

Government leaders worldwide have come face-to-face with a dangerous—yet little understoodcrisis in agriculture!

Today’s farmlands are tired, overworked and being depleted. In man’s husbandry of the soil, his impulse is to take the simple, fast, cheap, easy way—either ignoring or not…
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The Truth About Healing

by David C. Pack

Does God still heal today? Did such miraculous intervention end with Christ and the apostles? Is God now working through medical science? Should Christians ever seek doctors? If so, when—under what circumstances? What about public “faith healers”? Here is the plain truth about healing!
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God’s Principles of Healthful Living

There is a cause for every effect. When God’s physical laws are broken, sickness and disease result. But if you diligently keep them, you will be healthy, happy and “brimming with life.” This booklet restores the knowledge of God’s principles of healthful living, which have largely been…
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Are All Animals Good Food?

by David C. Pack

Is all meat good for food? Did Jesus “cleanse” all meat? Did Peter’s vision prove it? What did Paul mean when he said that nothing is unclean “of itself?” Does it matter? Here are the Bible answers!
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Is Drinking a Sin?

Many believe drinking alcohol is a sin. Is this what the Bible teaches? To be absolutely sure, on this or any other subject, we must abandon all preconceived ideas and be willing to carefully examine the Bible.
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The Truth About Smoking

Does the Bible condemn smoking or any use of tobacco products? Since God does not specifically command, “Thou shall not smoke or chew tobacco,” many conclude that it is not a sin. Yet research has proven that it is harmful to one’s health. What does the Bible say about this?
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