God’s master Plan is to offer salvation—eternal life—to all who have ever lived, and will live in the future. Every person who died without having the opportunity to receive this great gift will be raised, and be given the chance to receive immortality.
The Bible explains that at conception (not actual birth), the spirit in man is imparted to the new creation. With this spirit, life is given to the embryo. Although still in the gestation process, it is a human being—with life! (Read our free booklet What Science Will Never Discover About Your Mind.)
God’s promises are true, and He has promised and confirmed—through the pages of the Bible—that the resurrection is real, and will happen! All humans, including aborted, stillborn and miscarried babies, will be raised from the grave and given a chance to live.
If you would like additional information regarding what the Bible teaches concerning the spirit in man and the resurrections, please read our free book The Awesome Potential of Man.
While newspapers, magazines and other news media report what happened, The Real Truth analyzes and explains the root cause of why events happen—why humanity is at a loss to solve today’s problems.
The world has been ignorant of the true purposes of sex. The result has been untold pain and suffering for the masses! This misery—now epidemic—is measured in disease, new kinds of perversion,…