These Central and South American peoples come from a myriad of backgrounds, of which the most notable are Indian (i.e., “indigenous”—not from the country of India), African, and European. The majority of those with a European background are more specifically from Spain, who colonized most of South and Central America. However, the Portuguese colonized Brazil, and most Brazilians are of this descent.
These Hispanic peoples also have multi-national backgrounds. Many are largely Indian (indigenous) or mestizo. But those who are mostly Spanish are also multi-ethnic. Some Spaniards have German, Celtic, Arabic and even Jewish backgrounds. But most can trace their lineage to Noah through his great-grandson Tarshish, grandson of Japheth (Gen. 10:2, 4). Other relatives of Japheth include those of Asian descent.
While newspapers, magazines and other news media report what happened, The Real Truth analyzes and explains the root cause of why events happen—why humanity is at a loss to solve today’s problems.
The world has been ignorant of the true purposes of sex. The result has been untold pain and suffering for the masses! This misery—now epidemic—is measured in disease, new kinds of perversion,…