Hypnotism is the rendering of a person into a sleep-like condition, during which he or she remains responsive to extraneous stimuli. A person subjected to hypnosis (Greek, hypnos: “sleep”) temporarily gives up full control of his or her mental and physical faculties.
Christians should never involve themselves in such practices. The Bible states, in I Peter 1:13, “Gird up the loins of your mind.” We are to maintain control over all of our thoughts, so as to be in obedience to Christ (II Cor. 10:5). This would not be possible if one’s mind could be controlled by external stimuli, while in a trance-like state.
God expects us to focus on and fill our minds with “whatever things are noble…just…pure…lovely…” (Phil. 4:8). God grants His people “…a spirit of…power and of love and of a sound mind” (II Tim. 1:7). One of the fruits of God’s Holy Spirit is temperance, or self-control (Gal. 5:23).
You may read our booklets A World in Captivity and Did God Create Human Nature? and our article “You Can Overcome and Prevent Sin.” They explain the importance of remaining in control of all of our thoughts, attitudes, and emotions.
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