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World Headquarters Campus

The Restored Church of God’s headquarters campus, located in Wadsworth, Ohio, sits on over 100 beautiful acres of forest and farmland. This magnificent location houses the Hall of Administration, Mail Processing Center and Media Center. The land around the campus will be used for the Church’s biblical agricultural program called the Agriculture Education and Research Institute (AEARI).

Hall of Administration

The Hall of Administration is a 40,000-square-foot building that houses the main administrative offices and operations of The Restored Church of God. This beautiful centerpiece structure represents an achievement in design, construction and technology that is unique in the region.

The operations of the Church, which has congregations in over 70 countries spanning six continents, has freely distributed over 180 million items (books, booklets, articles, videos and magazines) across the globe online—many of which are available in 12 languages—and operates the world’s most extensive biblically based website.

The main Work of The Restored Church of God is to announce the ultimate message of hope to all nations—the good news of the soon-coming kingdom of God (Mark 16:15; Matthew 24:14).

Mail Processing Center

The Mail Processing Center is a 12,000-square-foot facility that houses the Church’s mailing and in-house print operations, as well as the Maintenance and Construction departments. Tremendous growth in literature distribution and the expanding campus has necessitated more space for equipment and staff.

Hundreds of thousands of physical books and booklets have been mailed worldwide. The Church produces over 150 books, booklets, articles and a comprehensive study course fully explaining the doctrines of the Bible, all of which are given away free of charge.

The Church also produces The Real Truth magazine, a free 6-issue-per-year publication that views today’s top news stories through the lens of Scripture. Over 23 million Real Truth articles have been read online, with thousands of hardcopy issues mailed around the world each month.

Media Center

The Media Center is an over 4,000-square-foot, state-of-the-art structure that houses four studios and the Church’s Media Production Services department. The television program The World to Come™ with David C. Pack, which reaches millions across the world, is filmed and edited in this building along with many other video and audio productions.

To date, the Church has reached over 230 countries and territories with its programs and materials. Over twenty million videos have been viewed on the World to Come website and the program’s YouTube channel.

More About The Restored Church of God

Also on campus is Ambassador Center, a specialized training program for developing leaders and ministry in the Church and providing necessary training for those who serve in the Work of God, both at Headquarters and in congregations around the world. The Center operates under the motto “Recapturing True Values”.

The Church also publishes Ambassador Youth™ magazine, filled with articles addressing problems and challenges facing today’s young people. In addition, each year the Church sponsors Ambassador Youth Camp, a two-week summer camp providing opportunities for the Church’s teenagers, from all over the world, focusing on teaching them to live God’s Way.

To learn more about The Restored Church of God, go to A Look Inside the Church and see for yourself the impact that God’s Church is having around the world (Behind the Work).