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Friday, July 26, 2019

2019 Ministerial Conference

The Restored Church of God’s ministry serves members in over 65 nations and territories across the globe. The Ministerial Conference, held annually at the Church’s World Headquarters in Wadsworth, Ohio, is an invaluable event that allows leaders to gather and develop skills to better carry out Jesus Christ’s second commission: to feed the flock of God.

Pastor General David C. Pack began the event, which occurred from June 15-22, with his Keynote Address and the State of the Work. The coming days included pastoral training, updates on the Church’s operations, writing and public speaking workshops, and opportunities for fellowship.

Many attendees said they felt a deeper unity among the ministry than ever before. The event also allowed leaders to share their experiences and learn from one another.

The weeklong event served to inspire personal and spiritual growth in the ministry, who in turn were able to return home to do the same for members in individual pastorates.

Watch the video for an inside look at this event.

About The Restored Church of God

With its Headquarters in Wadsworth, Ohio, The Restored Church of God announces the unknown, but ultimate message of hope to all nations. The Church, which has congregations in over 70 countries spanning six continents, freely distributes many millions of books, booklets and articles across the globe annually—many of which are available in 12 languages—and has the world’s most extensive biblically based website,

To learn more about the Church of God, contact us directly.