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Tuesday, August 1, 2017

2017 Ambassador Youth Camp

Ambassador Youth Camp is an annual two-week-long summer event held by The Restored Church of God, on a campsite in Southern Ohio. The 2017 camp had the largest attendance to date.

Teenagers in the Church look forward to AYC all year long, for the opportunities it offers to have wholesome fun, play sports, be taught God’s Way, and build bonds of friendship.

A theme of AYC is “training future leaders.” Its schedule is designed to bring teenagers out of their comfort zones, challenging them to overcome fears while building character.

Activities include volleyball, soccer, swimming, a dance class, a photography class, a bonfire, rock climbing, ultimate frisbee, a hike, ropes courses, white water rafting, archery, and more. Time is also dedicated to teaching skills in public speaking and writing.

Watch the video to see highlights of AYC’s action-packed schedule!

About The Restored Church of God

With its Headquarters in Wadsworth, Ohio, The Restored Church of God announces the unknown, but ultimate message of hope to all nations. The Church, which has congregations in over 70 countries spanning six continents, freely distributes many millions of books, booklets and articles across the globe annually—many of which are available in 12 languages—and has the world’s most extensive biblically based website,

To learn more about the Church of God, contact us directly.