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Friday, May 20, 2011

Video by David C. Pack, “Judgment Day—NOT May 21, 2011,” Featured on The Christian Post

A new special video presentation by the Pastor General of The Restored Church of God, David C. Pack, addressing the erroneous “Judgment Day” theory advocated by a California religious sect, has been featured on The Christian Post.

In the video, Mr. Pack presents conclusive biblical proof that May 21 could never mark the arrival of the “end of the world,” the Return of Jesus Christ, or any similar event. He also gives advance warning of the inevitable “spin” that will be presented in the aftermath of this failed prophecy.

The Christian Post is among the world’s top-ranked websites in the category of traditional Christianity.

About The Restored Church of God

With its Headquarters in Wadsworth, Ohio, The Restored Church of God announces the unknown, but ultimate message of hope to all nations. The Church, which has congregations in over 70 countries spanning six continents, freely distributes many millions of books, booklets and articles across the globe annually—many of which are available in 12 languages—and has the world’s most extensive biblically based website,

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