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Thursday, October 29, 2009

The World to Come on YouTube

WADSWORTH, Ohio – October 29, 2009 - The World to Come program, presented by David C. Pack, is now available on YouTube.

With 40 percent of all Internet videos viewed on this site, hundreds of millions will soon be exposed to what hundreds of thousands are already watching.

YouTube’s co-founder announced this month that the web-sharing site’s traffic has surpassed one billion views per day.

To view The World to Come on YouTube, enter “restoredcog” or “David C. Pack” in the search field on any of the site’s pages (or click here).

About The Restored Church of God

With its Headquarters in Wadsworth, Ohio, The Restored Church of God announces the unknown, but ultimate message of hope to all nations. The Church, which has congregations in over 70 countries spanning six continents, freely distributes many millions of books, booklets and articles across the globe annually—many of which are available in 12 languages—and has the world’s most extensive biblically based website,

To learn more about the Church of God, contact us directly.