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Thursday, April 2, 2009

The Authorized Biography of David C. Pack – Volume One Released

WADSWORTH, Ohio – April 2, 2009 – The long-anticipated and long-planned Authorized Biography of David C. Pack – Volume One has been released.

Mr. Pack, President and Pastor General of the Restored Church of God, stated, “It is the single most challenging (and hardest) literary project that I have ever had to work on—and I am not its primary author. It settled out at 540 pages, plus pictures.”

He continued, “If ever there was a never-ending project, this was it. I believe it could be extremely helpful to those of God’s people in the offshoots of the Worldwide Church of God. It has long been my desire that, as with Mr. Herbert Armstrong’s Autobiography, my also two-volume biography will benefit people in real and tangible ways.

“The goal was never to merely just entertain, although I hope it is found to be interesting, even gripping at times, but rather to potentially lead many people back to this ultimate reality: ‘Jesus Christ built a Church that does a Work under a Government that explains and declares the Truth through two commissions.’ If even a tiny number are benefited toward that understanding, it will have been worth every minute of the most difficult and challenging writing event that I have ever been a part of.”

The Authorized Biography of David C. Pack – Volume Two is in the process of completion.

About The Restored Church of God

With its Headquarters in Wadsworth, Ohio, The Restored Church of God announces the unknown, but ultimate message of hope to all nations. The Church, which has congregations in over 70 countries spanning six continents, freely distributes many millions of books, booklets and articles across the globe annually—many of which are available in 12 languages—and has the world’s most extensive biblically based website,

To learn more about the Church of God, contact us directly.