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Where Is God’s Church Today?
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Jesus said, “I will build My Church…” There is a single organization that teaches the entire truth of the Bible, and is called to live by “every word of God.” Do you know how to find it? Christ said it would:

  • Teach “all things” He commanded
  • Have called out members set apart by truth
  • Be a “little flock”

‘A Still Small Voice’

How God’s Spirit Works in You

In I Kings 19, God spoke to Elijah in a calm, subtle manner. The Holy Spirit will do the same in you if you really listen.

1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000. This is the number of stars in the universe—one septillion—within an estimated one trillion galaxies.

But think. We live in just one of those galaxies. Our galaxy, the Milky Way, contains over 400 billion stars. Our sun, only one of those stars, takes over 225 million years to orbit its center.

In space, objects are so far away that distances between them must be measured using light-years, or the distance that light moves in a year. Light travels approximately 186,000 miles per second, which is almost six trillion miles per year.

According to modern measurements, the edge of the observable universe is about 46 billion light-years away. This signifies that the light we see has been traveling for 13.8 billion years before it even reaches our eyes! These numbers bring to mind what King David was inspired to record: “What is man, that You are mindful of him?” (Psa. 8:4).

It is evident that such magnitude, detail and precision could only have come from an all-powerful supernatural force. One look at Creation—the Earth and the vast universe—is all it takes to recognize this.

The power that keeps all this together? God’s Holy Spirit! Read Colossians 1:15-17.

Amazingly, God offers us access to this same incredible power! Once He calls us (John 6:44, 65), we must “repent and believe the gospel” of His coming Kingdom and be baptized (Mark 1:14-15). It is at this point that we can receive God’s Spirit and qualify to become one of His (Rom. 8:9).

Before baptism, thinking about how receiving God’s Spirit will affect you is natural. You may have wondered: What will it be like to possess this kind of power?

Vivid accounts of supernatural acts may fill your mind as you think of Peter’s shadow healing the sick (Acts 5:15) or people being raised from the dead (20:8-9). Common New Testament Greek words for power—dunamis (meaning force or miraculous power) and exousia (privilege, force, capacity, freedom, master or delegated influence)—only expand this sense of awe.

A soon-to-be baptized Christian may ask, “Can I really have this same power in me?”

The answer is a resounding yes!

During baptismal counseling, you hear phrases such as, “Don’t expect to feel any different,” “God is fulfilling His promise of a tiny down payment of His Holy Spirit—truth—into your mind,” or, “This same spirit will guide you into all truth throughout your lifetime if you continue to yield to God.”

You might think that acquiring such power will bring a sensation. Yet, at this current time in Church history, God rarely displays His awesome power in overt ways or allows it to make us feel different.

Rather, for those God is now training to rule in His Kingdom, He works in a far more concealed way.

A Still, Small Voice

The prophet Elijah experienced firsthand how this Spirit works. In I Kings 19, God spoke to him in a calm, subtle manner. The Holy Spirit will do something similar in you if you really pay attention.

Elijah was hiding in a cave from wicked King Ahab and his wife Jezebel (vs. 9). While there, he and God engaged in a meaningful conversation filled with lessons for us today.

At the beginning of the account, God questioned Elijah about why he was hiding. Elijah immediately began making excuses to justify his actions (vs. 10). He did not hear the message God wanted to convey.

“Upon returning home from the grocery store, you realize the cashier never charged you for a five-pound pot roast. Your gut response may be to call the store and inform them. Listen to it!”

God then revealed Himself to Elijah through one display of tremendous power after another. First, He sent winds strong enough to break rocks, then an earthquake, then a fire (vs. 11). What happened after all this is the most fascinating: “and after the fire a still small voice” (vs. 12).

God first used shock-and-awe displays to get Elijah’s attention, then spoke to him in a calm, quiet, little voice. It was after this display of awesome power that Elijah was ready to listen and change his course of action.

Similarly, God may occasionally shock us to get our attention. But how He works after getting our attention makes the most significant impact. That same “still small voice” is what leads us to change our lives. It is the Spirit of power, love and a sound mind (II Tim. 1:7) that, if heard and heeded, will quietly guide us in every decision we face.

Ears to Hear

Scriptures throughout the New Testament state that the reader should have “ears to hear” immediately before or following essential instructions.

In the letters to the seven Church eras in the book of Revelation, each era’s instruction states, “He that has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says unto the churches.” (Review Revelation chapters 2 and 3.)

These prophecies were recorded so that those God intended to “hear” them could understand without listening to an audible noise. Each era was to read the spiritual message and let it “speak” to them.

You can experience something similar when you study God’s Word.

A Christian must daily use the Bible to search for areas in life where change and growth are needed (II Cor. 4:16). This begins a powerful process: God’s Spirit works within you, guiding you to put into action what you learn so you can continue becoming ready to enter His Kingdom.

The apostle Paul wrote, “Be not conformed to this world: but be you transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God” (Rom. 12:2). This amazing transformation only occurs through the power of God’s Holy Spirit and us “hearing” the message that is “spoken.” Recall what happened to Elijah.

The Christian walk is a constant battle of replacing your carnal will with God’s will. II Corinthians 10:3-5 states: “For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.”

Each battle you face begins in your mind. We cannot audibly hear the sounds of struggle or fighting. No battlefield instructions are uttered to help us. This kind of listening has nothing to do with our physical senses. Rather, we are given quiet spiritual instructions to be “heard” with “ears to hear.”

This “still small voice” can only be observed by paying careful attention (Heb. 5:14).

Exercise Your Senses

For the human ear to hear subtle sounds, it must become accustomed to listening for them. This can require many hours of time and focus.

For example, concert pianists can quickly tell if one key is slightly out of tune. This level of perception can only be achieved by carefully paying attention to the subtle details of their instruments for much time beforehand.

Similarly, a sound technician can develop an acute ear for feedback or other noise by paying attention to certain sounds and how they interact with the immediate environment.

A Christian led by God’s Holy Spirit operates the same way. You must be familiar with your instrument or equipment (the Bible) and be aware of how you interact in your daily environments.

Sometimes you may find yourself in situations that make you feel uncomfortable. Yet if you are alert and approach them with a spiritual mindset, you can quickly discern the reason why.

Remember that God’s Spirit is one of peace (John 14:27; Gal. 5:22). If you are uncomfortable with someone or something, this can be God’s Spirit telling you to change your circumstances.

For instance, upon returning home from the grocery store, you realize the cashier never charged you for a five-pound pot roast. Your gut response may be to call the store and inform them.

Listen to it! If you do, you will be assured you did the right thing. If not, you will feel guilty for eating it.

Consider another scenario: A woman with three children at the mall is carrying multiple bags while pushing a stroller. Do you move quickly to open the door to help her, or do you awkwardly pretend not to notice? What does your “inner voice” tell you? While pretending not to notice might be easier, do not doubt that you will think about it later, and your conscience, led by God’s Spirit, will prick you (Acts 2:39).

Imagine you are faced with a financial dilemma. This month’s paycheck is light, and you will not have enough to pay rent if you tithe. What do you do? Tithe and face eviction or steal from God? The answer is obvious—but you must “listen.”

Or, during a busy and stressful time in your life, you suddenly realize you have not been studying your Bible like you should. When this occurs, act! Pray to God and take immediate small steps to get back on track.

Each time you actively train yourself to do the right thing, it makes the next time you face a challenge much easier.

Train Yourself

Circumstances like those described above happen every day. While some might not feel that important, each decision we make matters to God. Confronting these and other common situations is how Christians build character.

This is how God’s mighty Spirit works in you. In each case, no one was healed by a shadow, nor did they see cloven tongues of fire. Instead, the work was simple and subtle.

By showing God we can be faithful in smaller matters, we will be rewarded in a big way—by being given eternal life and rulership with Jesus Christ! We will each be given an excellent reward based on what we did in the time we had to live (Luke 19:17).

Every day, you must be ready to hear the “still small voice” at work in you and act on it. Doing so is exercising the Holy Spirit. Only then can it grow.

Do not wait for howling wind, raging fires, or earth-rattling quakes. Instead, attune yourself to the quiet voice of God that works in your mind—leading you to do what is right.