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Jesus said, “I will build My Church…” There is a single organization that teaches the entire truth of the Bible, and is called to live by “every word of God.” Do you know how to find it? Christ said it would:

  • Teach “all things” He commanded
  • Have called out members set apart by truth
  • Be a “little flock”

Getting the Most Out of Science Class

The heavy emphasis on evolution in science courses makes it hard to tell fact from fiction. This need not be!

“Ugh! Time for science class.” You have likely heard a classmate utter something similar before. It does not matter if it is biology, zoology, geology—or any other “ology”—many students dread these courses. Add to the list chemistry, astronomy and botany.

Most loathe these subjects because they have a reputation for being exceptionally difficult, involving complex mathematics, memorizing oodles of facts and figures, and backbreaker final exams.

Those striving to live as the Bible teaches have different reasons for being wary of scientific studies. These students know the crucial importance of education, diligent study, and hard work. Yet when they enter classrooms, they know that falsehoods and half-truths (mainly centered on evolution) will be taught as fact.

Due to this, science classes present a dilemma. On one hand, you want to do well on every test, earn high marks on research papers, and be viewed in a positive light by teachers. On the other, you do not want to be duped into believing something untrue. The same applies when watching nature documentaries or reading articles on discoveries regarding the inner workings of the universe.

All scientific endeavors present a mixture of truth and error. There is the age of the Earth, different types of evolution, the dates of the fossil record, and a slew of other supposed facts. What can you believe?

Adding to the problem is a centuries-old feud between science and religion. Science claims to stick to “just the facts.” Religionists see the world through the lenses of their theology, with both sides doggedly clinging to their beliefs. Even if presented with stone-cold facts, neither side budges.

If you are in the public education system, you may quickly find yourself not fitting in with either of the typical “science” or “religion” categories. Such classes could even seem to be a waste of time. You might think, “Why should I sit through many hours of classroom lectures and homework for something untrue?”

The subject of science, however, need not be viewed with apprehension. With a few simple steps, sitting through courses of biology, chemistry, physics, etc., can quickly become some of the most productive times of your high school career.

Foundational Understanding

When most crack open their Bibles, they bring with them countless preconceived notions. Then they go about attempting to prove what they believe using God’s Word instead of simply taking the text at face value.

Many scientists look at this Book already having decided it is untrue. They claim it is riddled with inconsistencies and errors and refuse to believe anything it contains. Also, they state that it is utterly unscientific. Yet all of this is done with little proof.

Most professing Christians take their traditional beliefs and doctrines and attempt to prove them through convoluted logic. This is like trying to stick a square peg into a round hole! Then, if there is absolutely no evidence for something, they will say it is a “beautiful mystery” that one must accept on blind faith.

Both of these approaches are wrong!

A verse in I Thessalonians provides the first step to making it through science class: “Prove all things; hold fast that which is good” (5:21). God does not want anyone to be unsure about His existence or the authority and accuracy of the Bible. He wants you to apply step one: prove all things. ALL things means just that—everything!

So, how can you be absolutely certain the Bible actually is God’s Word? The Church has prepared literature to help you do just that. The titles are Does God Exist? and Bible Authority...Can It Be Proven?. God tells you to prove for yourself that He exists and that His Word is 100 percent true.

Both of these short booklets will take you step-by-step through the answers. They will make your Bible come alive with more meaning than ever before. Afterward, as you continue to study God’s Word, something will become abundantly clear: The Bible is the foundation of all knowledge, including science. Yet do not take our word for it—you must prove it for yourself!

Once you have answered questions about God’s existence and biblical authority, you can begin to glean an abundance of scientific truths from its pages.

For example, a verse in the Old Testament states that the Earth is a sphere (Isa. 40:22), while some other ancient societies believed it was flat. A spherical Earth has been scientifically proven.

Also, throughout history, many advanced cultures believed our planet was held up by different creatures or persons. For example, many in ancient Greece claimed that mythical strongman Atlas held the world upon his shoulders. Yet the book of Job states the truth: God “hangs the earth upon nothing” (26:7).

Common Ground

This leads to step two: understanding that the Bible perfectly lines up with proven science. There are actually some points you can agree upon when talking with an evolutionary scientist.

This is not the case, however, for those who are called “young Earth creationists,” who believe the Earth and universe were created about 6,000 years ago.

Scientific evidence proves the universe is much older—and so does your Bible! Look at the first two verses of Genesis: “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void…” (1:1-2).

“Young Earth” proponents maintain that these sentences describe the entire universe being created 6,000 years ago. But this idea does not hold up to scrutiny when one looks at the original language in which these scriptures were written.

According to Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, the phrase “without form” in verse 2 comes from the Hebrew word tohu and the word “void” comes from bohu. Tohu means “to lie waste,” “a worthless thing,” and “vain.” Bohu means “to be empty” and “undistinguishable ruin.”

Does this indicate that God created the Earth as a worthless thing, vain, in ruin, and void? Certainly not!

In Genesis 1:2, the Hebrew word for “was” should more correctly be translated “became” or “came to be.” Read this passage again correctly translated: “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth became a worthless thing [tohu] of undistinguishable ruin [bohu].”

Isaiah 45 confirms this: “For thus says the Lord that created the heavens; God Himself that formed the earth and made it; He has established it, He created it not in vain [tohu], He formed it to be inhabited…” (vs. 18).

This means there is a gap between verses 1 and 2 in the first chapter of Genesis. To fully understand this gap, read the article “Is the Earth 6,000 Years Old?

Because of this, the Bible meshes completely with the most probable age of the universe: 13.8 billion years. Note, however, that not everything in evolution can be proven. The Bible does state that the Earth was re-created in Genesis 1, meaning that God made all living things.

What Can You Believe?

Scientific studies are incredibly complex and cover a vast array of things that exist. This means you must take on step three: arm yourself with correct information to be able to distinguish fact from fiction.

There is not enough space in this article to fully dismantle the idea of evolution. The Real Truth article series “Evolution Exposed: Deconstructing False Science” fully covers this topic and is a must-read to prove to yourself what is true and false.

One part of evolution has been documented in nature, however: microevolution.

Microevolution states that all living organisms have the ability to develop genetic adaptation within a species. Think of breeding dogs or pedigree cats. One can breed traits into or out of a breed of dogs or cats. But you cannot breed a dog with a cat! They are not the same species.

Where evolutionists are dishonest is when they try to jump from microevolution to what is called macroevolution (this is the sweeping theory that all life came from some sort of primordial ooze). Macroevolution states that genetic adaptations or mutations allow new species to form. But there are no observed examples of macroevolution on record.

This is an instance where you need to know the facts. If not, you can easily be swayed into thinking that microevolution proves the macro variety—it does not!

If you have any questions or are unsure about how to handle a particular situation, ask a parent or minister for help.

Redeem the Time!

Once you have diligently compared evolution to the truth of the Bible, you will be “ready always to give an answer” (I Pet. 3:15) if anyone asks what you believe. The key words here are “if anyone asks,” and relate to an important principle: avoid unnecessary confrontation.

Realize that teachers and fellow classmates who believe evolution are unlikely to budge on their position—not even a little! Do not try to change their beliefs. The flip side is that if they ask you a question, step up and briefly answer, making sure to not sound cocky or pretentious. As long as you have the truth clear in your mind, there is no reason to be afraid.

Also, if you have to write essays or research papers on how “great” evolution is as a theory, there is a way to get around it without making it sound as if you agree. Phrases such as “Evolutionary theory states…” “Charles Darwin wrote that…” “According to this theory…” will ensure a passing grade and not cause undue trouble with your teacher.

So what do you do if you have to sit through a semester of biology or zoology with a teacher who brings up evolution at every turn? Such a situation is an opportunity to apply Colossians 4:5, which states, “Walk in wisdom toward them that are without [those who do not know God’s truth], redeeming the time.”

Use science classes to truly redeem the time. If you must learn about evolution, use it as a challenge to silently poke holes in the theory. While learning about nature, look for the genius of the Creator God in what is discussed.

There are many evolution-based documentaries that show the incredible, complex nature of plants, animals and how they have “adapted” perfectly to their environments. While the program will state that this was a product of “evolution,” you know the truth!

Much can be understood about God’s Creation from such programs. The amazing biodiversity and perfect “adaptation” of plants and animals actually prove God’s existence, as it demonstrates that life was designed!

Follow the steps. Prove what you believe. Know where science agrees with the Bible. Arm yourself with correct information. Avoid unnecessary confrontation. Redeem the time.

Then, sit back and enjoy science class!