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Where Is God’s Church Today?
Photo of a CongregationNew York, USA Photo of a CongregationJamaica Photo of a CongregationPeru Photo of a CongregationIdaho, USA Photo of a CongregationIndia Photo of a CongregationBelgium Photo of a CongregationKenya Photo of a CongregationArkansas, USA Photo of a CongregationSouth Africa Photo of a CongregationEngland Photo of a CongregationNigeria Photo of a CongregationOhio, USA

Jesus said, “I will build My Church…” There is a single organization that teaches the entire truth of the Bible, and is called to live by “every word of God.” Do you know how to find it? Christ said it would:

  • Teach “all things” He commanded
  • Have called out members set apart by truth
  • Be a “little flock”

How to…Eat a Formal Dinner

Have you ever sat down at a formal dinner and been overwhelmed with all the silverware, plates and cups in front of you? Or have you ever helped host a dinner and felt uncertain of the proper way to set the table? Here are a few tips to help enrich your table and hosting manners. Note that these are American rules of etiquette—they may vary in other cultures. Also know that a formal dinner can still take place without all of the utensils and dishes shown below. Always mind your table manners!

  • Once everyone is seated, immediately place your napkin on your lap. If the napkin is large, fold it and place the folded edge toward your waist.
  • You may begin eating after everyone has been served. Two exceptions to this rule are if the meal is buffet-style or if the dish is a dessert that would melt if you do not eat it right away such as ice cream. In the case of a buffet, it is common courtesy to wait for two or three others to arrive back at your table before eating.
  • If you are the host, serve everyone else before you serve yourself.
  • Always pass food to the right and be sure to pass the salt and pepper shakers together.
  • Select your utensils from the outside in. For example, if salad is the first course, you would use the fork placed farthest from the plate. If the main dish comes next, then you would use the next fork in line.
  • All of your beverages are on your right. Remember this so you do not accidentally drink from someone else’s glass!
  • If you are the host, make sure you offer everyone something to drink and periodically offer drinks throughout the meal.