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Where Is God’s Church Today?
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Jesus said, “I will build My Church…†There is a single organization that teaches the entire truth of the Bible, and is called to live by “every word of God.†Do you know how to find it? Christ said it would:

  • Teach “all things†He commanded
  • Have called out members set apart by truth
  • Be a “little flockâ€

Preparing the Way for Jesus Christ

Imagine the president of the United States choosing to stay in your home for a few days. Such a prospect would lead to many questions: How would you conduct yourself in his presence? What would you do to make the visit a success? Is your house ready for such an important visitor? What kind of food does he like? The menu would have to be carefully considered.

Whose room would he stay in? Would his room need to be completely made over to make it more befitting? Stately bed sheets and pillow cases might have to be purchased along with higher quality towels and toiletries. You would have to even think of where you would put your pets in case he is allergic to them.

Several weeks before his arrival, plans would be made by the White House and Secret Service. This could include visits to your home, background checks on everyone living there, and some guidelines as to what the president likes or dislikes. Plans would be made for the activities during his stay. You would have to study and practice the protocol for how to interact with him.

The planning alone would take several weeks or months. All in all, the success of this important event would be based on one crucial factor—preparation.

Now imagine you are expecting a visit from God Himself. Any meeting with a human world leader would pale in comparison!

Truly extensive preparation was made for thousands of years before Jesus Christ came the first time. The Bible contains many prophecies that related to the first time He came to the Earth around 2,000 years ago. For example, His First Coming was foretold in Genesis 3:15, 12:3, 49:10; Numbers 24:17; Deuteronomy 18:15, 18; and Isaiah 7:14, 9:6-7, 11:1-5.

God meticulously planned Christ’s earthly ministry to ensure its success. The same thorough planning is involved concerning Christ’s Second Coming.

In a previous Bible study, we learned facts that prove Jesus’ existence from both secular and biblical sources. This study will focus on the role of John the Baptist in preparing for Christ’s First Coming. It will also cover the preparation God has put in place for His Second Coming—along with your part in it!

Just as God does everything “decently and in order†(I Cor. 14:40), we must do all we can to prepare now for the role we will play after His Return.

Make sure you have your Bible, pen and notebook ready to copy down each verse mentioned below to help cement it in your mind. Also, you will want to take notes on what you learn.

(1) How did God prepare the way for Christ’s First Coming? Luke 1:6-25.

God’s pattern is to choose someone to fulfill His purpose, sometimes prior to his birth. This is how He chose Jacob (Rom. 9:10-14), Jeremiah (Jer. 1:5), and Solomon (II Sam. 7:12). Search your Bible to see if you can find others whom God called for a purpose in this way. Using this same pattern, He chose John the Baptist to prepare the way for Christ’s earthly ministry. Notice that God carefully chose the son of a Levitical priest to ensure John received the proper training needed to fulfill his purpose.

(2) What was the role of John the Baptist in this preparation? Luke 1:15-17, 3:1-14; Matthew 3:1-3. Write down what the angel told his parents he would do in Luke 1:76-79.

John the Baptist prepared the way for the commencement of Christ’s ministry by turning people’s attention back to God and His ways. He showed them the need to repent—change the direction of their lives—and begin to obey God’s Law. Included in his message was the fact that people needed to show an outward sign of this commitment through baptism.

(3) What was the purpose of John’s message? Matthew 3:1-2; Mark 1:7-8; Luke 3:8.

The purpose of his message was to prepare the hearts of the people to receive Christ’s message. John preached the importance of an individual’s actions. He taught that God would not give anyone preferential treatment just because they descended from righteous Abraham. Similarly today, even if one or both of your parents are in the Church, you are not guaranteed eternal life (Ezek. 14:14, 20).

John also preached repentance for the remission of sins. Those who responded formed a group of followers from which Christ could choose. Jesus was able to call, teach and train them during His lifetime so they could be His future assistants when He returns to rule the world. These same people were responsible for spreading the gospel of God’s coming kingdom after His death—the good news that continues to this day.

(4) What is baptism? Acts 8:38-39. (Use a concordance to look for other verses in the New Testament about baptism.) Since He was without sin, why did Christ submit to John’s baptism? Matthew 3:13-15; II Corinthians 5:21.

Baptism is immersion in water. It signifies a spiritual contract made with God solidified by the blood of Jesus Christ. Baptism is also identifying with Christ’s burial and Resurrection. John baptized Jesus by totally immersing Him in the waters of the Jordan River. God’s Church follows this example today.

Though Christ was sinless, He submitted to John’s baptism to fulfill God’s requirement for salvation. It was an outward sign of commitment to live in obedience to God’s Way. He identified with human beings since He was to bear our sins. His baptism showed the need for mankind’s repentance and cleansing from sin. This validated John’s teaching as an example for all who would follow Christ. The Bible clearly tells us that if we say we abide in Him (Christ), we are to walk as He walked.

(5) What was the greatest reason Christ came the first time? Did He achieve this purpose? Genesis 3:15; I Corinthians 15:25, 27; Ephesians 1:22; Philippians 2:5-11.

The ultimate purpose of Christ’s First Coming was to pay the wages for our sins through His death. He could only do this after He qualified to become ruler of this world in place of Satan who is currently the god of this world (II Cor. 4:4). By winning the greatest battle in history, Jesus was permitted to rule the entire universe.

(6) How did Christ win the battle to replace Satan as ruler of this world? Matthew 4:1-11; Luke 4:1-16. List three ways He was tempted and how He resisted each.

Christ qualified to replace Satan as ruler of this world by resisting Satan’s temptations. The devil tried to overthrow Christ, just as he did Adam, to show that God’s Plan to make sons out of human beings was impossible. To prepare Himself for this trial, Christ fasted 40 days and nights. This gave Him the spiritual strength needed to defeat Satan. He knew that it was only through God’s Holy Spirit that He could overcome.

(7) What preparations are being made for Christ’s Second Coming and reign on Earth? Who will assist in this rule? What is a disciple? John 1:35-51; Matthew 28:19-20; Revelation 20:6; Daniel 7:18. Search the gospels and write down other experiences the disciples had with Christ.

The preparation for His Second Coming included Christ first selecting 12 disciples. A disciple is a learner or student. The 12 learned God’s Way through Christ’s teachings, their experiences, and direct interaction with Him. Jesus instructed them to teach all nations everything He taught them. These men went on to become apostles and, through them, God expanded this group of believers to include many others—including those in His Church today who obey and follow Him. It is those who overcome and endure until the end who will rule with Christ at His Return (Matt. 10:22; Rev. 3:21)!

(8) What was Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong’s role in the preparation for Christ’s Second Coming? Malachi 3:1-2, 4:5-6. How does this Work continue today?

In the same way God used John to prepare for Christ’s First Coming, He also used Mr. Armstrong and the work of the Worldwide Church of God to prepare for Christ’s Return. Mr. Armstrong proclaimed that people needed to change their way of life to God’s true way. He showed that God’s coming kingdom or government would soon be re-established on Earth. He came in the spirit and power of Elijah, stressing the importance of strong marriages and families to enable people to receive the training necessary to become part of the God Family. He also taught that the Church was to prepare God’s people through training to assist Christ in administering God’s rule on Earth when He returns. After Mr. Armstrong’s death, God raised Mr. David C. Pack to continue this preparation through the work of The Restored Church of God.

(9) What is the purpose of the knowledge you have today of God’s truth? What is your part in God’s Work?

One or both of your parents being in God’s Church has given you the opportunity to be exposed to God’s way of life including knowledge the world knows little of such as keeping the Sabbath and Holy Days. You also understand that Christ will soon be returning to establish God’s government on Earth. The purpose of this knowledge is to prepare you for conversion and to continue your own training for rulership with Christ when He returns. You have a part now in this preparation by supporting God’s Church, attending Sabbath services regularly, serving others, and playing an active role in youth activities in God’s Church.

Christ’s First Coming was not happenstance. It was something that was extensively planned by God Himself. Jesus’ earthly ministry played a major part in the preparation for His Second Coming and future world rule. Preparation for His Return continued from early in the first century AD all the way through the time of Mr. Armstrong and now through Mr. Pack and The Restored Church of God. Those in His Church today have a great opportunity to take part in Christ’s kingdom soon to be established here on Earth—if they diligently prepare now.

For additional understanding—including an in-depth examination of the life, ministry and teachings of Jesus—be sure to read the book The True Jesus Christ – Unknown to Christianity.

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