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Where Is God’s Church Today?
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Jesus said, “I will build My Church…†There is a single organization that teaches the entire truth of the Bible, and is called to live by “every word of God.†Do you know how to find it? Christ said it would:

  • Teach “all things†He commanded
  • Have called out members set apart by truth
  • Be a “little flockâ€

The Key to a Long Life

Billions of people have lived on Earth hoping to have a long life. Some have fulfilled that goal and lived to an old age; others have died young. Many have sought the secret to a long life, but very few have ever found it. A life can end due to accident, disease, old age, or a variety of other reasons. As they grow older, many adults do everything in their power to appear and act young. Some go to great lengths to achieve this.

Teenagers, on the other hand, usually believe they will live forever. They do not give much thought to how fleeting life is. They have their whole lives ahead of them! Typically speaking, teens are healthy, feel good and live life as though it will continue without end. However, as a teenager becomes an adult, he slowly realizes this is not true.

Life is short. The Bible explains that life is like a breath—here one moment, gone the next. It also describes a human life like a flower—again, here for a short while, and then gone.

How about you? Do you want to live long? The Bible holds the secret!

(1) What is the Fifth Commandment? Deuteronomy 5:16 (first half); Exodus 20:12 (first half).

The Ten Commandments are the foundation to a successful life. They describe love toward God and love toward man. In the simplest form, they are a way of giving. If an individual has these laws as a foundation to his or her life, he or she will be happy, productive and successful.

In fact, while there are many examples of teens and children within the Bible, there are only a few direct commands to young people. One such command is to honor your father and mother.

(2) If one keeps the Fifth Commandment, what will be the end result? Deuteronomy 5:16 (second half); Exodus 20:12 (second half).

The Bible is plain! If children obey their parents, their days will be prolonged, and their lives abundant. Billions of people have sought long life, but few have looked to the Creator for the answer. Within the Bible—God’s Instruction Manual—He explains that the days of human beings would “be long upon the land†if they obeyed His Fifth Commandment.

How about you? Do you think about this commandment on a regular basis? Do you realize that this is directly connected to the length of your life? You may think that you listen to your parents only because they require it. But did you know that honoring them benefits your own life? This is not a commandment that promises long life for your parents—it promises long life for you! Ask yourself: Why wouldn’t I do all that I can to fulfill these verses?

(3) Does the New Testament say the same thing as the Old Testament? Ephesians 6:1-3.

If a child honors his father and mother, it will be well with him! That child will live long on the earth!

There are two elements this passage brings to light. What does the first verse say? It explains that children are to obey their parents. This is connected to honoring. In fact, a large part of honor is obeying! Do you wake up every day striving to obey your parents? If you do, you are fulfilling a commandment that will lead to a long, healthy life.

Also note that verse 2 explains that this Commandment comes with a promise. In other words, if you keep it, there is a guarantee that you will receive the benefits promised! God cannot lie! When He promises something, He will give it!

(4) What is another New Testament verse that explains how young people should act toward their parents? Colossians 3:20.

Again, another instance in which children are told to obey their parents. If you obey your parents you are pleasing God! Don’t you want to please the very Being who created you, the earth, and the entire universe?

(5) It is important to understand the environment in which you live. Negative attitudes from people in the world can be harmful to teenagers in God’s Church. In these last days, what does the Bible say will be the attitude of children toward their parents? II Timothy 3:1-5.

Notice this! The Bible shows that children will be disobedient to parents in these end times—the exact opposite of how children are to behave.

Understand that you are growing up in a world in which teenagers routinely disobey their parents. You do not have to look far to see that this attitude is prevalent among young people. It is acceptable for teens to disrespect their parents—to dishonor them. Most pay little attention to what they are told. Many teens do not respect authority figures in their lives.

Do you realize that you live in the midst of a generation labeled “disobedient to parents� Teenagers in God’s Church must realize that this trend impacts how they think. Satan uses trends in the world to pressure teenagers to go along with the crowd. You must do all that you can to fight against this mentality!

(6) What does the book of Romans say regarding the nature of human beings? Romans 1:28-30.

It is ingrained within mankind to be disobedient toward authority. This means teenagers must fight not only against trends in the world, but also against human nature.

Do you find yourself sometimes leaning toward disobeying or disrespecting your parents? Are you aware of such attitudes and “nip them in the bud†before they worsen? You must always be on guard for them!

(7) What are young people to do with their parents’ instructions? Proverbs 6:20-23.

The Proverbs explain that your parents’ commandments and laws are to be kept close. You are to figuratively put them around your neck. They are to always be with you.

Most teenagers give no thought to their parents’ rules and instructions, instead putting them far out of their minds. You are to do the exact opposite. You are to act on them—keep them on your mind—and apply them every chance you get.

If obeyed, your parents’ rules will benefit you! Ask yourself: Why wouldn’t I obey these laws? The Bible says over and over again that I will be blessed and taken care of if I do.

(8) What else should you do with your parents’ instructions? Proverbs 1:8-9.

You are told to hear—listen to—the instructions of your parents. Do you sometimes find yourself wanting to not listen, and ignore what you have been told?

The wisest man who ever lived, Solomon, explains that you should listen and hear! When you do, verse 9 explains that it will be as if you have precious jewelry around your neck.

(9) What were the consequences in ancient Israel when a child disobeyed his parents? Deuteronomy 21:18-21.

This passage is clear. If children were stubborn or rebellious in Israel, there were serious consequences. They would be put to death! Ask: Why would God institute such a command? Since this was the law of the land, teenagers feared disobeying their parents. They knew that if they did, there would be fatal results. By having such a law, these drastic measures rarely had to be implemented. This physical punishment led many young people to obey their parents and thus God blessed them with a long life!

Ask yourself: Do I tend to be rebellious or stubborn at times? Do I stick to my own opinion, even after a better way has been explained? Do I realize that when I disobey my parents I am being rebellious?

Look for small instances of such attitudes in your life and fight against them.

(10) What are the consequences for those who curse their parents? Proverbs 20:20.

This passage is stark—those who curse their parents will not live long!

The foundational rule of obedience to one’s parents is like any other basic physical law. If you keep it, it will keep you. If you don’t keep it, it will break you. For example, look at gravity. If you disobey the law of gravity, there will be inescapable consequences! The same is true with the Fifth Commandment. If you obey it, you will naturally receive blessings, and a long life. If you don’t, you will reap the negative consequences.

Do you want to live a happy, productive, long life? The obvious answer is YES! Well, you now have the key that few understand. Your peers at school have no idea that if they obey their parents, it will be well for them. You do! This is one of the few commands in the Bible specifically directed toward you. Will you heed it? Will you “live long on the earth�

The choice is yours. Start today, and make progress EVERY day.