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“We’re facing a battle in which information and technology are essential parts,” said Qassem Kassir, a Lebanese analyst close to Hezbollah. “But when you face certain technological advances, you need to go back to the old methods—the phones, the in-person communications…whatever method allows you to circumvent the technology.”

  • World News Desk

Even as Mexican-made fentanyl continues to flood into the United States, Mexico’s efforts to seize the drug have declined dramatically, according to figures recently released by the Defense Department.

Figures for the first half of 2024 show that Mexican federal forces seized only 286 pounds of fentanyl nationwide between January and June, down 94 percent from the 5,135 pounds seized in 2023.

The synthetic opioid has been blamed for about 70,000 overdose deaths annually in the United States, and U.S. officials have tried to step up efforts to seize it as it comes over the border, often in the form of counterfeit pills made in Mexico.

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The Bible provides solutions to today’s farming problems in verses almost no one knows.

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  • World News Desk
The U.S. military-built pier will be dismantled and brought home, ending a mission that has been fraught with repeated weather and security problems that limited how much food and other supplies could get to starving Palestinians.
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Mayor Paloma Aguirre calls the discharges “the biggest environmental and public health disaster in the nation that nobody knows of.”
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Jesus Christ was opposed by religious leaders during His earthly ministry. The contrast between Jesus’ authority and that of the scribes and Pharisees can teach us valuable lessons today.
  • World News Desk
Authorities want to know how a shooter was able to get on top of a roof so close to where former President Donald Trump was speaking and open fire.
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As traditional medicine faces criticism for high costs, malpractice and profit-driven care, many people are seeking alternative and sometimes bizarre treatments.

  • World News Desk
“The punishments attached to non-compliance with instructions and decrees are often arbitrary, severe and disproportionate,” said the report from the UN Mission in Afghanistan.
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The start and stop of direct confrontations and the resurgence of proxy war paint a complex picture of this Middle East conflict.

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The Caribbean nation has seen no end of tragedy in recent years. What’s behind its latest upheaval?

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President Joe Biden and his NATO counterparts are meeting in Washington this week to mark the 75th anniversary of the world’s biggest security organization.
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How God’s Word was written and preserved over millennia sheds light on its ultimate purpose—and what it should mean to you.

  • World News Desk
Americans are largely opposed to the strict bans that have taken effect in Republican-controlled states since the high court’s ruling two years ago.
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Many immigrants are willing to risk everything to pursue what the United States has to offer. There is a deeper reason for this…
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God’s Word reveals how to navigate the current political climate in the United States.
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“We are at a crisis level in fraud in society,” said Kathy Stokes, director of fraud prevention at AARP’s Fraud Watch Network.

From the Editor

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Worrying about money is unnecessary—if you have God’s key to financial prosperity.
  • World News Desk
“It is truly heartbreaking to see food scarcity and deprivation on the rise,” said John Makoni, a national director for World Vision. “We have a looming catastrophic situation that is quickly approaching.”

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