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Overshadowed by wars in Ukraine, the Middle East and Sudan, conflict in the Sahel rarely garners global headlines, yet it is contributing to a sharp rise in migration from the region towards Europe.
  • World News Desk
CAIRO (AP) – The past week has seen a dizzying escalation in the nearly yearlong conflict between Israel and Lebanon’s Hezbollah.
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  • World News Desk
Obesity is high and holding steady in the U.S., but the proportion of those with severe obesity—especially women—has climbed since a decade ago, according to new government research.
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Parents are stuck between a rock and a hard place. They know smartphones can cause their kids harm, yet modern realities do not allow children to completely disconnect. What options do parents have to properly raise their children?
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The stories often play out similarly: Kids hear you can get pills on social media. A few taps later and then a package arrives. They retreat to the sanctity of their bedroom and take a pill. Fifteen minutes later, they are dead.

From the Editor

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The Bible reveals there are special Holy Days that Christians should observe. What are they? And why are these days so important to God?
  • World News Desk
As freight trains have grown longer, the U.S. has seen an increase in the number of a type of derailments caused by the forces of railcars pushing and pulling against each other, the National Academies of Sciences said.
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In a world of electoral promises and political upheaval, citizens are often left disillusioned. Yet there are timeless leadership qualities God values—and a way to make them a reality.

  • World News Desk
More than 100 wildfires stretched thousands of firefighters to the limit in northern Portugal on Wednesday, with seven deaths since the worst spate of fires in recent years spread out of control over the weekend.
  • World News Desk
Just a day after pagers used by Hezbollah exploded, more electronic devices detonated in Lebanon Wednesday in what appeared to be a second wave of sophisticated, deadly attacks that targeted an extraordinary number of people.

From the Editor

  • Personals from the Editor
How many couples know the real purpose of marriage? Most no longer know its origin, let alone how to have a fulfilling one. The answers involve knowledge God reveals.
  • World News Desk
The second attack on former President Donald Trump's life is likely to further unsettle an election cycle already marked by upheaval.

From the Editor

  • Personals from the Editor
The Bible calls the devil “the god of this world” (II Cor. 4:4). But who is he? And where did this being come from?
  • World News Desk
Last year had the worst decline in credible elections and parliamentary oversight in almost a half-century, an organization promoting democracy said.
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Heartbreaking stories abound of innocents being killed or injured by distracted drivers. This trend is a symptom of a deeper problem.
  • World News Desk
  • ASIA
In a significant show of defiance against the United States, North Korea on Friday provided the outside world with a rare view into a secretive facility built to enrich uranium for nuclear bombs.
  • World News Desk
The utilities and power infrastructure across the U.S. are becoming increasingly vulnerable as the grid expands rapidly to meet surging demand for power.
  • World News Desk
Here is an explanation of how the robot works, its mission, significance and what lies ahead as the most challenging phase of the reactor cleanup begins.

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