Is The REAL TRUTH just another magazine—or is it something more? What is its purpose? How is it supported? Who publishes it—and why?
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Subscribe NowAfter reading The REAL TRUTH (RT), many are led to ask, “What is this magazine about?” They continue, “I want to know more about this unique publication.”
Many realize that the RT is unique when compared to typical news magazines. Not only do we analyze the news, but we also examine it from a biblical perspective. While showing society’s rampant problems, the RT explains the solutions.
Far from being a “gloom and doom” magazine, each issue provides answers to today’s troubles—and points to a time when mankind will enjoy great peace, abundance and prosperity!
Here is a brief look behind the scenes of this magazine…
The Real Truth is a part of something far greater. It plays a role in a far larger purpose.
This Work has a two-fold commission. The Great (or First) Commission is “Go you into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15). These are Jesus Christ’s instructions to His servants. Concerning the end of the age, He also told them, “And the gospel must first be published among all nations” (13:10). The Second Commission is to feed the flock of God—to supply each member of God’s Church with spiritual food (John 21:15-17).
The Real Truth plays an important role in fulfilling the First Commission. This magazine, through the publishing power of the Internet and other means, is spreading the gospel at a rate and efficiency that the world has never before seen. Great numbers of people can now learn as much as they want, when they want. Virtually every nation around the world has access to learning sound, proven principles, helping many to live happier lives and become better citizens.
The basic mission of this magazine is to proclaim and teach the gospel—the good news—of the soon-coming kingdom of God.
The Real Truth magazine is produced by The Restored Church of God (RCG). The Church is devoted to living God’s way of life and dedicated to the First Commission—reaching the world with Christ’s gospel, teaching the right way, which is the opposite of the world’s get way.
The RCG understands the need to spread a clear, plain and real message—to reach out to a struggling, suffering world. This magazine delivers that message.
The RT carries articles that explain the root cause of war, what is wrong with the weather, the meaning of events in Europe, why earthquakes are increasing, why science has failed to bring the utopia that all long for, how and why racism and bigotry will soon disappear, where the world economy is going, what lies ahead for all nations, the value of right ethics and the definition of true character, the real cause of the moral crisis in the West, what is wrong with modern education, why so many seek escape and pleasure, and the definition of true success.
We explain how the worldwide void of great leaders will be filled and how peace will come in our time—how to build strong families and rear happy, productive children—how to End All Your Financial Worries—why new diseases are appearing and older ones are re-appearing, stronger than before—and whether the United Nations is really the ultimate answer to the problems plaguing mankind.
We explain why there are thousands of differing, and disagreeing, forms of “Christianity”—why religion has not yet solved the world’s great problems—how to understand real faith—how to identify the real Christ of the Bible—the way of “give” vs. “get”—the law of cause and effect—the true origin of human nature—the principles of healthful living—and many other vital subjects. The RT brings plain understanding to the insoluble problems now overwhelming mankind, and points to the lasting peace of the world to come, just over the horizon.
The Real Truth magazine plays a giant role, but there are other methods we are using to proclaim the gospel.
•rcg.org: The Restored Church of God has—by far—the largest biblically based website on earth, carrying a vast array of tools to guide people seeking to live God’s way of life. Yet, unlike most other religious organizations, there is nothing to buy or pay for. It is all free of charge!
Already, the Internet has allowed us to reach 200 countries and territories! The potential number of people we can—and will—reach is truly staggering. This has been of great encouragement to those who support this Work.
•The World to Come Program: Broadcast via the Internet, this program answers crucial questions such as: Where is the world going?—Why is it filled with problems, troubles, evils and ills, causing unhappiness, confusion and misery of every kind?—What lies ahead? In an age of fear, confusion and hopelessness, The World to Come is a voice of truth, providing answers, and proclaiming hope for humanity! And each broadcast is instantly available around the world!
With all of these tools and more, The Restored Church of God is helping people find answers—real solutions—to make their lives happy and productive.
The Restored Church of God never solicits the general public for financial support. Here is why:
We are dedicated to this mission of real love, of outgoing concern for all people worldwide. All of our activities are supported by dedicated, giving people. Following Christ’s instruction, “Freely you have received, freely give,” we offer everything free of charge.
The Restored Church of God receives financial support from the voluntary tithes paid by its members. They recognize the abundant blessings promised by God to all who obey His law of tithing (Mal. 3:8-10). One side benefit of practicing just this single law is that it helps people manage their personal finances. In the end, both the Church and its membership prosper from practicing this proven law of God.
In addition to RCG members, there are many co-workers and donors who regularly contribute in sharing with others the wonderful and precious understanding they have received.
While still relatively small, The Restored Church of God is experiencing phenomenal growth and impact around the world. We will continue to grow and to reach out further, helping more people, and affecting positive change in the lives of ever greater numbers.
Christ commanded His disciples to go forth into the entire world (Matt. 28:19-20). We are doing exactly that!—bringing the good news of God’s kingdom even to far-flung countries like Zimbabwe, Iceland, China, Chile, New Zealand and Egypt. This has not stopped—and we will soon be reaching all nations on earth!
Many thousands visit our website every week, and are learning sound, true principles of a productive way of life. They are being armed with knowledge that can help them grow to become better examples—and better citizens—in their local communities.
The Restored Church of God offers a message of hope. Tools such as our broadcasts (webcasts), magazines, books, booklets and other literature are affecting lives around the world. Again, Christ foretold that “the gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come” (Matt. 24:10). Immediately after, the age of competition, greed and strife will at last be replaced by the wonderful world of tomorrow and the rulership of God’s kingdom on earth. To learn more, read our free booklets Here Is The Restored Church of God and Which Is the True Gospel?