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Authorities want to know how a shooter was able to get on top of a roof so close to where former President Donald Trump was speaking and open fire.
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Associated Press – The Taliban’s morality police are contributing to a climate of fear and intimidation among Afghans, according to a UN report published Tuesday. Edicts and some of the methods used to enforce them constituted a violation of human rights and fundamental freedoms, the report said.
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The start and stop of direct confrontations and the resurgence of proxy war paint a complex picture of this Middle East conflict.

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President Joe Biden and his NATO counterparts are meeting in Washington this week to mark the 75th anniversary of the world’s biggest security organization.
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How God’s Word was written and preserved over millennia sheds light on its ultimate purpose—and what it should mean to you.

  • World News Desk
Americans are largely opposed to the strict bans that have taken effect in Republican-controlled states since the high court’s ruling two years ago.
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As traditional medicine faces criticism for high costs, malpractice and profit-driven care, many people are seeking alternative and sometimes bizarre treatments.

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“We are at a crisis level in fraud in society,” said Kathy Stokes, director of fraud prevention at AARP’s Fraud Watch Network.
  • World News Desk
“It is truly heartbreaking to see food scarcity and deprivation on the rise,” said John Makoni, a national director for World Vision. “We have a looming catastrophic situation that is quickly approaching.”
  • World News Desk
By marking the start of talks with Ukraine, and with its neighbor Moldova later in the day, the EU signaled that both countries are on a path away from Russian influence and towards greater integration with the West.
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God’s Word reveals how to navigate the current political climate in the United States.
  • World News Desk
More than a dozen states do not track when multiple abuses happen at a single facility or across facilities owned by the same company, the report found.
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The Caribbean nation has seen no end of tragedy in recent years. What’s behind its latest upheaval?

  • World News Desk
Niger’s military rulers have given the U.S. until September 15 to remove its troops from the country, which also means leaving a $100 million drone base that had provided a crucial source of intelligence about groups allied to al Qaeda and Islamic State.
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Lebanon’s Hezbollah has new weapons and intelligence capabilities that could help it target more critical positions deeper inside Israel, the militant group’s leader said.
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The “sustained presence” of the armed groups in the park is the first sign of a connection between Nigeria’s homegrown extremists and al-Qaida-linked militants from the Sahel.
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The Bible provides solutions to today’s farming problems in verses almost no one knows.

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The Houthis who control the north and center of the country and the government running the south use different currency notes with different exchange rates.
  • World News Desk
Mr. Kim said the two countries had a “fiery friendship,” and that the deal was their “strongest ever treaty,” putting the relationship at the level of an alliance.

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