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Jesus said, “I will build My Church…” There is a single organization that teaches the entire truth of the Bible, and is called to live by “every word of God.” Do you know how to find it? Christ said it would:

  • Teach “all things” He commanded
  • Have called out members set apart by truth
  • Be a “little flock”

You Could Be an Artist

You are sitting in a chair, staring at a blank wall. Now envision a painting hanging on that wall, a picturesque view of a sun going down over snow-capped mountains, reflecting off a clear blue lake.

Now imagine you had painted it!

It all starts with the stroke of a brush. Claude Monet, Leonardo Da Vinci and Vincent Van Gogh all had one thing in common—they started young.

But do you think these famous artists were born with the ability to create masterpieces? Of course not! It takes practice and dedication.

Few subjects can be explored as widely as art, and there are many different mediums to explore.

Do you think you could ever paint a beautiful landscape, sketch a cat or draw someone’s portrait? You will never know unless you try!

Beauty of Nature

Few things can inspire more than a painting. With such vibrant colors, attention to detail and beautiful settings, paintings often scream for your attention. You may have already pictured some that have made an impression on you.

Paintings can also capture memories, or take you to another place. They give you an idea of how things once were, a snapshot of a moment in history.

But why do we draw such inspiration from art? Where does it come from? Ever since creation, mankind has recognized the beauty in nature. From cave drawings to massive works found in galleries, art is an attempt to recreate the world around us.

King David wrote, “The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows His handiwork” (Ps. 19:1). God created the inspiration behind all paintings. He is actually the very first Artist!

Appreciating Creation

Now consider the endless examples provided throughout creation. All of it reflects God’s awesome perfection and genius, from stars and moons to oceans and sunsets. What could be more inspiring?

David also wrote, “I remember the days of old; I meditate on all Your works; I muse [consider] on the work of Your hands” (Ps. 143:5). Painting different aspects of nature allows you to learn more about its various textures and colors. By studying these, you begin to better appreciate God and His creation. This will also cause you to take notice of the little things in nature. For instance, the way a leaf hangs off a branch or the curve of a river bending around a bank.

The entire universe is out there for us to discover, and capture, through art. It can be a wonderful form of expression if used in a wholesome and uplifting way.

But there is a flipside.

Good, Bad and Plain Ugly

As with movies, music and television, wise judgments need to be made with various forms of art. It is important to keep the overall aim in mind. Not all art is bad, and not all art is good. This applies to content as well as quality.

Nowadays, it is difficult to find an art gallery that does not focus on modern art. Some artists today and from the early 20th century just randomly splash paint across a canvas. This takes no skill, and the end product is chaotic and disorganized. After thousands of years under Satan’s influence, mankind’s art has degenerated to the point of poor quality.

Recently, a famous British art gallery mistakenly displayed a slab of rock on a stick as art. This turned out to be nothing more than a piece designed to hold up a sculpture!

Different Mediums

A few mediums worth exploring are oil painting; acrylics; watercolors; pen and ink; charcoal or sketching. It is entirely up to you. It may be a good idea to do some research before beginning. There are many helpful techniques that can be found in books or on the Internet. Try to gather as much information as you can and strive to use quality brushes and paints. It will make a difference.

Watercolors are something simple you may want to start with. Blending different shades of colors in this medium can be very enjoyable. If sketching, first draw simple objects such as a book, table or piece of fruit.

Floral art, the art of arranging flowers, is another example. You may even be interested in learning Origami, the ancient Japanese art of folding paper.

Ceramics is another creative outlet you could try. In Jeremiah, God compares Himself to a potter fashioning clay, molding and working with the nation of Israel (18:1-6). Most schools offer classes that teach how to create pots, jars or bowls. After sculpting the clay, the piece is fired (heated) in a special oven called a kiln. Next, a layer of glaze is applied, a type of paint that can withstand the blazing heat of the kiln. This is done a few times until it is fired one final time. I remember the excitement I felt in high school waiting until the next day to see what my piece would look like. Sometimes good, sometimes bad, it was always a surprise. These can even make great gifts that last for years to come.

You could also create a collage or try scrap booking. Scissors, a glue stick and photos are all you need to begin. The only way to find what suits you best is to experiment.

More Ideas

Visit an art museum. Research different classes your school may offer and talk to an art teacher. Check out some how-to books from your local library. Talk to your parents and ask them to help you collect everything you need. It may be a good summer project. You could do a self-portrait, or a portrait of a friend or favorite pet.

In preparing to draw or paint, think of something that inspires you. Most paintings are easier when you have something from which to draw inspiration. Go to a park near your house, or use a favorite picture from a camping trip or Feast. You could use these as the starting point for a watercolor.

God gives all human beings certain natural talents—how much we develop them is up to us. The most important thing is to keep practicing. Nothing worthwhile comes without hard work.

Getting involved in the arts can be an enjoyable and relaxing hobby. There are many options and plenty to learn. Give it a try! Maybe one day you could admire your own painting of a beautiful sunset or waterfall!