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President Petro has called the area “the great cocaine stock market” of the FARC-EMC.
  • World News Desk

Millions of people in Pakistan continue to live along the path of floodwaters, showing neither people nor the government have learned any lessons from the 2022 devastating floods that killed 1,737 people, experts said Thursday, as an aid group said half of the victims among 300 people killed by rains since July are children.

Heavy rainfall is currently drenching those areas that had been badly hit by the deluges two years ago.

The charity Save the Children said in a statement that floods and heavy rains have killed more than 150 children in Pakistan since the start of the monsoon season, making up more than half of all deaths in rain-affected areas.

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  • ASIA
Here is what is happening now in Bangladesh, one month after the country was roiled by its worst bloodshed in decades.
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In a world of electoral promises and political upheaval, citizens are often left disillusioned. Yet there are timeless leadership qualities God values—and a way to make them a reality.

  • World News Desk
Hunger reached its highest point in the United States in nearly a decade last year, with 18 million households struggling at some point to secure enough food.
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For 15 percent of the world’s population, government fails to collect and dispose of waste, the study’s authors said.
  • World News Desk
Urban youth unemployment for the roughly 100 million Chinese aged 16-24 spiked to 17.1 percent in July, a figure analysts say masks millions of rural unemployed.
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After three weeks of fighting, Russia is still struggling to dislodge Ukrainian forces from the Kursk region, a surprisingly slow and low-key response to the first occupation of its territory since World War II.
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The new agreement could be the strongest since the Cold War. What are its implications?

  • World News Desk
South Korean regulators and police this week vowed to combat sexually exploitative deepfakes, urging Telegram and other social media companies to cooperate with them.

From the Editor

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This summer, the 45th president of the United States was shot at a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, a short two-hour drive from our World Headquarters Campus in Wadsworth, Ohio.

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As tremendous athletic feats took place during the Games, the world outside grew only darker…
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How can you stretch your dollar without sacrificing good health?

  • World News Desk
Iran's efforts to increase its stockpile of enriched uranium have continued in defiance of international demands, a new report stated.
  • World News Desk
This summer, southern Europe has been hammered by successive heat waves. In Greece, effects include water shortages, dried-up lakes and even the death of wild horses.
  • World News Desk
Across the country, scores of classes have sprung up to teach seniors about AI’s ability to transform their lives and the threats the technology poses.
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God made the lights in the sky. Why do so many look to them for guidance?

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The ferocious exchange of fire by Hezbollah and the Israeli military is raising fears of a regional war beyond the tense border.

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