Suggested Reading:

The Church Jesus Christ built has continued for two millennia and can still be found today.
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Our writings lead readers to reconsider what they have been taught. We urge them to “blow the dust off” their Bibles and prove what the Book says or does not say about heaven, hell, the reward of the saved, on which day you should attend services, what is the gospel, and much more. Millions find our approach refreshing.
One of the beliefs in which our position differs from other organizations is that we believe Christ’s statement that He would construct one Church. Consider His promise: “I will build My Church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it” (Matt. 16:18).
This means what it says!
After reading this Bible passage, questions often arise: “Is there really only one true Church?” “How is this possible when there are tens of thousands of churches around the world?” “Is only one correct?”
Such questions often prompt others: “Is this Church (which is called Christ’s Body in Colossians 1:18) a single, unified organization? Or is it divided into multiple organizations, groups and scattered individuals—all carrying Christ’s authority and approval?” “If He built only one organization, then where is it?”
You can know the answers to these questions—through proof found in your own Bible!
In traditional Christianity, the term “church” carries an accepted and broad meaning for those who use it. Theologians, religionists, ministers and churchmen alike most often consider “the church” a body of believers from every shape, flavor, color, size, stripe and texture of Christianity. None believe that one particular “organization” is right. Rather, they speak of their “fellowship” or “community of believers” as being “part of the Body of Christ.”
Consider some of their positions:
Lutheran: “The Christian church is made up of those who have been baptized and thus have received Christ as the Son of God and Savior of the world…Indeed, to be called into fellowship with Christ is also to be called into community with other believers…Most Lutherans recognize a wider fellowship of churches and are eager to work alongside them in ecumenical ministries and projects” (“Essential Questions,” Lutheran Church of the Resurrection).
Methodist: “The branches of Christ’s church have developed diverse traditions that enlarge our store of shared understandings. Our avowed ecumenical commitment as United Methodists is to gather our own doctrinal emphases into the larger Christian unity, there to be made more meaningful in a richer whole” (The Book of Discipline of The United Methodist Church).
Presbyterian: “The Church is a fellowship of believers which seeks the enlargement of the circle of faith to include all people and is never content to enjoy the benefits of Christian community for itself alone…” (Book of Order: The Constitution of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Part II).
Seventh-day Adventist: “The universal church is composed of all who truly believe in Christ…” (“Fundamental Beliefs,” Seventh-day Adventist Church).
Baptist: “[The church] is more of a spiritual blessing than an operational unit. Its members are spread over all the earth and in heaven. It is incomplete and finds its final form in the future” (“The Bride of Christ,” Antioch Baptist Church).
While adherents of traditional Christianity have long believed Christ works in different churches, the reader should ask why so many believe the Church is composed of multiple millions of people in various churches—when Christ said He would build only one Church.
Jesus was a carpenter and the son of a carpenter. He knew what it meant to conceive, design, plan and build an individual structure. He followed proper building principles and practices, beginning with a solid foundation. He did not build in a haphazard, shoddy, confusing or disjointed manner. Whatever He built reflected on Him and His ability as a master builder.
When founding His Church on Pentecost in AD 31, Jesus used the same approach, constructing it “upon the foundation [teachings] of the apostles [New Testament] and prophets [Old Testament], Jesus Christ Himself being the chief cornerstone” (Eph. 2:20). Verse 21 calls the Church a “building fitly framed together” that teaches all nations “to observe all things whatsoever I [Christ] have commanded” (Matt. 28:20).
The true Church’s doctrines and practices are uniquely different from those of traditional, mainstream Christianity. It holds solely to the truth of God’s Word—the Bible—and follows the pattern of the early Church, continuing “steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers” (Acts 2:42). This includes observance of the seventh-day Sabbath and God’s seven annual Holy Days.
Because the Church follows the Bible, it is highly organized and unified (I Cor. 12:12-27; Eph. 2:21, 4:16). It has God’s government structure (I Cor. 12:28; Eph. 4:11-16).
Members understand that the Church is not a physical building. It is the ekklesia—the “called out” ones—who believe the same things (Acts 2:44) and are in one accord (vs. 46).
The Church that Jesus built has true knowledge and understanding of salvation—what it is and what one must do to receive it. This includes understanding God’s Plan for all humanity—His desire that people build holy, righteous character in this life by growing the amount of the Holy Spirit one is given at baptism.
Receiving God’s Spirit enables those called to understand His mind, which then helps them become more like Him. God desires all men to reign with Him and Christ when His kingdom is established on Earth (Rev. 5:10). This can only happen, however, if one is overcoming in this life and striving to live His Way. (For more about His Plan—and how you can be part of it—read The Awesome Potential of Man).
With such wonderful opportunities available to those who learn God’s truth, one would think that everyone would want to be part of His true Church. Yet the Church Christ built is a “little flock” (Luke 12:32). This is far different from what is pictured and practiced by professing Christian churches, whose membership numbers in the billions.
A simple analogy illustrates why there can be only one true Church. In the New Testament, the Church is considered “the mother of us all” (Gal. 4:26), meaning that it acts as a “mother” to those who have been called into it.
“The Church, like any human mother, is responsible for the diet of her children (in the Church’s case, the spiritual diet),” The Real Truth Editor-in-Chief David C. Pack writes in his book The True Church – One Organization, or Many?
“She must work out a daily menu that ensures the health of her growing children. If children do not like the courses their mother serves, they do not have the option of picking a family that serves food to their liking. If a child does not want fruits, vegetables and grains—the typical child!—he cannot go where he will receive only candy and ice cream.
“Jesus Christ would never permit His Church to be broken into 300 ‘homes,’ all serving as different ‘mothers,’ in which God’s children can roam, picking and choosing at will. This recognition becomes its own powerful proof that there has to be one central authority—the government of God—within the one Church of God administering to the needs—protection, doctrine, discipline and diet—of the Church Christ built! Only the true Mother—the one true Church—is authorized by God to do these things!”
If you do believe Christ—that He would build His one, singular Church—not churches, sects, denominations, communities of believers, fellowships, or associations—then the question becomes “Where is that Church?”
Untold millions have been taught that there are “many paths to heaven” or “many spokes on the wheel of salvation.” This is said to try to make sense of the confusing and competing messages of Christendom, and to keep its adherents from questioning its teachings.
While many offer a come-just-as-you-are, nothing-is-expected-of-you sales pitch, the words of Jesus are clear: “Not everyone that says unto Me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that does the will of My Father which is in heaven” (Matt. 7:21). The apostle James also declares one must be a “doer of the word, and not [a] hearer only” (1:22).
Jesus plainly states, “No man can come to Me, except the Father which has sent Me draw him” (John 6:44).
If you understand the one true Church and doctrines stated above, God may be drawing—calling—you. Those He calls will see past the traditions of men, allow their eyes to be opened, and search their Bibles about what Christ really says about the structure He built—and where to find it.
There is only one organization on Earth that Christ built. Yet we do not expect you to take our word for it. Christ tells those looking for His Church to “prove all things” (I Thes. 5:21). You can!
(For proof about the unbroken line of God’s Church through the centuries—and how to identify it—read Where Is the True Church? – and Its Incredible History!)