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Study: Type 2 Diabetes in Australia to Double

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Study: Type 2 Diabetes in Australia to Double

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Research from the University of Queensland’s School of Population Health (Brisbane, Australia) reveals that the negative effects of type 2 diabetes among Australians will more than double in the next 15 years.

Type 2 diabetes (formerly called non-insulin-dependent diabetes, obesity-related diabetes or adult-onset diabetes) is a metabolic disorder that is characterized by insulin resistance and hyperglycemia. The disease, which had been more common in adults over age 45, is now increasingly seen in children and adolescents. This is linked to poor eating habits and high obesity rates.

The study found that junk food consumption by children accelerated the condition. The availability of fast food even in hospitals has come under scrutiny. Boyd Swinburn, Professor of Population Health at Deakin University’s Centre for Physical Activity and Nutrition Research, said the government had failed to “walk the walk” and that it was projecting a mixed message regarding health issues (The Herald Sun).

Thousands of staff members, visitors and day patients no longer receive catered meals. Cardiovascular problems are on the rise due to unhealthy habits and are the biggest cause of health problems in Australia.

Individuals diagnosed with type 2 diabetes double their risk of having a stroke. Tests have shown individuals are likely to suffer a stroke within 10 years of diagnosis, and that a stringent diet coupled with an exercise program must be followed to counter this risk.

The report highlighted that to prevent the disease, the education process must begin with parents. Thousands of schoolchildren feast on junk food and soda for breakfast. A study has shown that 1 in 10 children ages 12-17 regularly eat chocolate, ice cream, burgers, instant noodles or potato chips as their first meal of the day. Research has shown that youngsters who skip breakfast are more likely to overeat later in the day.

A report by Dr. Tim Crowe, also from Deakin, found that the vast majority of overweight children carry their extra weight into adulthood, setting themselves up for a lifetime of health issues.

Dr. Crowe stated in his report, “In families that don’t eat together and don’t have good cohesiveness, there is an increased likelihood that the kids will be eating junk food. With the breaking down of the family structure due to parents working longer hours, the effects can be seen in children’s eating habits.”

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