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Where Is God’s Church Today?
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Jesus said, “I will build My Church…†There is a single organization that teaches the entire truth of the Bible, and is called to live by “every word of God.†Do you know how to find it? Christ said it would:

  • Teach “all things†He commanded
  • Have called out members set apart by truth
  • Be a “little flockâ€

God’s Amazing Creation

The Electric Eel

Have you ever plugged a lamp into a wall socket and accidentally been shocked? If so, then you have experienced only a tiny fraction of what it would be like to run into an electric eel. These incredible creatures can discharge about 600 volts, which is five times the voltage of a standard light socket!

Electric eels use a special charge to stun their prey or discourage predators. While this is a pretty good defense mechanism, you need not be worried: Human deaths from these mammals are extremely rare.

Electric eels make their homes in murky streams and ponds in the Amazon and Orinoco river basins of South America. They live about 15 years and can grow up to 8 feet long!

While most people mistakenly think this creature is an actual eel, it is actually more closely related to carp and catfish. Unlike most fish, however, electric eels are air-breathers and must come to the water’s surface frequently—approximately every 10 minutes or so.

These amazing animals have flattened heads and tubular bodies, which are generally dark green or grayish on top with yellowish coloring underneath. This helps them blend into their muddy environment.

You may be wondering: How does this creature not shock itself? God designed electric eels to have their vital organs located in the front 20 percent of their bodies, with the rest of their bodies covered by fatty tissue.

In a question and answer forum about eels, Dr. Carl Hopkins, a professor who specializes in neurobiology and behavior at Cornell University, stated that “the best working hypothesis is that the vital organs like the brain and the heart are located as far as possible from the electric organ (up near the head), surrounded by fatty tissue that acts as an insulator.â€

Scientists believe that by having all the vital organs near the head and a buffer of fat in-between, electric eels are able to protect themselves from predators by an electric current and not shock themselves.

How amazing is the creation that God has made! Next time you are trudging through the Amazon, watch out for these fish—they pack a punch!