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Where Is God’s Church Today?
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Jesus said, “I will build My Church…†There is a single organization that teaches the entire truth of the Bible, and is called to live by “every word of God.†Do you know how to find it? Christ said it would:

  • Teach “all things†He commanded
  • Have called out members set apart by truth
  • Be a “little flockâ€

Pursue True Happiness!

Most want to lead happy lives. They engage in almost every activity imaginable and seek to have the latest piece of technology. Yet few truly find happiness. As years pass, these pursuits seem to bring more unhappiness. Not having given careful thought and consideration to such things, tragically, the seeds of unhappiness are often planted early in life.

A person’s younger years are a time to enjoy life, before the demands and pressures of adulthood come. It is during this period that the decisions one makes can have a lasting effect on the degree to which his life will be joyful and happy. Today’s world is filled with many appealing activities and pursuits—some good, some bad. Making wise decisions and the right choices during the early and formative part of your life can prevent much unhappiness, heartache, frustration and disappointment.

God’s Word holds valuable information on how to make right decisions. Let’s look into the Bible to see how you can begin preparing now for a productive life that will ultimately last forever.

To aid in your study, be sure to get your Bible, a notebook, and pen or pencil to record what you will learn. Look up every scripture and read it carefully. Then write it out to help you remember what you learn.

(1) Does the Bible record a description of today’s society? II Timothy 3:1-4.

Today’s society—one of increasing lawlessness, pleasure seeking, and dangers—was foretold almost 2,000 years ago. Sights and images of hunger, poverty, war, crime, grief and disease are frequent reminders of man’s many troubles.

People the world over, especially in Western societies, desperately seek happiness through temporary thrills, but in the end reap the suffering of ruined lives that accompany the use of drugs, alcohol and tobacco.

(2) Some people do lead fulfilling and joy-filled lives, yet many others experience disappointment and heartache. Why is this? Galatians 6:7-8.

Every decision a person makes brings the possibility of happiness or sorrow. It can be compared to the law of gravity. If one jumps off a four-story building, thus breaking the law of gravity, he or she can expect serious injury or, at the very least, many broken bones. However, if a person makes the wise decision of not jumping, thus choosing to obey the law of gravity, then he has kept himself from harm. This is the law of cause and effect.

(3) It is natural to enjoy life, but is how we do so important to God? Ecclesiastes 11:9-10.

God’s Word states that a person should enjoy his youth, but in the end he will have to give account for all that he did. This is one reason why a young person needs to carefully consider all that he does.

(4) What is the proper starting point for a young person to enjoy a prosperous life? Ecclesiastes 12:1.

A fulfilling life requires acknowledging God’s existence and keeping His commandments from an early age. It also means thanking Him for the physical things you enjoy: your home, your family—and even your very existence. This is something that should be done each day, starting early in youth.

(5) Are there any promises to young people who regularly remember their Creator and actively strive to do what is pleasing in His sight? Proverbs 3:1-6. If you obey God’s Law, will He bless you? Psalms 34:7-10; 112:1-3; I John 3:22. Will He even give you your heart’s desire if it is good for you? Psalm 37:3-4. Are His promises sure? Titus 1:2.

It is God’s desire for us to live joyful and successful lives. If you diligently put forth effort to keep His commandments and seek to perform His will, then He promises to bless and protect you. This is a promise your peers in the world cannot claim.

(6) The Bible records many examples of disobedience and obedience to God, and the results of each. Are these preserved for our learning? I Corinthians 10:6; II Timothy 3:16.

(7) What warning did God give to Adam and Eve? Genesis 2:16-17. Did they listen to God’s instruction? Genesis 3:6. What did their disobedience cause? Genesis 3:16-19, 23-24.

Adam and Eve could have led happy, productive lives in a garden paradise. It was God’s purpose that they would. Yet failing to remember their Creator and His command brought much sorrow. Cause and effect came into play and they were cast out of Eden to live difficult lives.

(8) Abraham received many great blessings from God. Why did this happen? Genesis 22:15-18; 26:3-5.

Because Abraham faithfully obeyed all of God’s laws, and also diligently taught them to Isaac his son, God blessed him and promised national greatness to him and all his descendants.

(9) Sometimes obeying God is not easy. There is often pressure to do just the opposite. But this is something God’s servants, even those who are younger, have often faced. Consider Daniel and his friends. Despite most around them living contrary to God’s laws, did they nevertheless obey and put their trust in God? In doing so, were they blessed? Read the first chapter of Daniel, paying close attention to verses 19-20. Also read Daniel 2:48-49. Were they protected because of their obedience? Daniel 3:14-28; 6:16-23.

(10) Saul was Israel’s first king. Yet not far into his reign, God decided to replace him with David. What caused God to do this? I Samuel 15:22-23; Acts 13:22.

Saul did not follow God’s clear instructions. Many times he decided to do things his own way. Because of this, God removed him from ruling Israel and David became king instead.

(11) Did David love God’s Law? Did he meditate on it daily? Psalm 119:97. Did he understand the blessings that result from doing this? Verses 98-100. When did David learn about God and begin obeying Him? Psalm 71:17.

David became a man after God’s heart because from a young age he sought to serve and obey Him. He spent much time thinking about God’s ways and how to apply them in his life.

(12) Did David maintain this practice even as he grew older? Psalm 119:101-106.

This caused him to be blessed from an early age until the end of his life. Those blessings will extend into God’s kingdom, when David will again rule over all Israel. Read Ezekiel 37:24-25.

(13) Did David teach his son Solomon obedience to God’s commands? I Kings 2:1-3. Did David also tell Solomon why he should obey? Verse 3, last part.

(14) Does God expect us to keep His commandments today? I John 5:3. Does the Bible describe God’s laws and commands as holy, just and good? Romans 7:12.

This is the opposite of traditional Christianity’s view of God’s Law. Not keeping God’s laws automatically brings mankind under many curses that produce sorrow.

(15) What example did Jesus Christ set concerning the commandments? John 15:10. Does He want us to live an abundant life? Second part of John 10:10; III John 2. When asked what to do to receive eternal life (true happiness), what was Christ’s response? Matthew 19:16-19.

Jesus Christ came to Earth roughly 2,000 years ago. He brought a message about the ultimate form of happiness—eternal life in the coming kingdom of God. He explained how a person from early age to old age can live a full, joyful life that will ultimately lead to eternal life. His desire is for all to follow the way that leads to and produces true lasting happiness—an abundant and joyful life.

(16) Did Solomon ask God for wisdom so he could make right decisions and discern between right and wrong? Read and summarize I Kings 3:5-9. Did God give him extraordinary wisdom? Verses 10-12.

Solomon understood that he needed God’s help and guidance to live a happy and successful life.

(17) Did Solomon at one point in his life set out to pursue happiness? Ecclesiastes 2:1-3. In doing so, did he attempt to find happiness by trying many different activities and acquiring many possessions? Verses 4-10. Did this bring true or lasting happiness to Solomon? Verse 11.

Despite all that Solomon did or all that he acquired, none of it brought the kind of happiness that is lasting or truly beneficial.

(18) What was wise King Solomon’s conclusion concerning the Law of God, whether one is young or old? Ecclesiastes 12:13-14.

After seeking an answer to what brings happiness, Solomon came to the conclusion that what mattered most was obedience to the commandments of God—that this is what made a person whole and truly happy.

In Leviticus 26:3-13, God promised Israel every possible blessing and protection for obedience to His laws. He promised great harvests of grain and fruit, and plenty of rain at just the right times. He told them they would experience peace and safety.

However, if they chose to disobey, He explained that much pain, sorrow, unhappiness and anguish would result. Their crops would fail, fruit trees would not produce, the sky would not give rain, and their enemies would take them into captivity (vs. 14-39). God told the nation of Israel He set before them blessings or curses (Deut. 11:26-28), life or death (30:19-20). Blessings and happiness for obedience to His commandments or curses and suffering for disobedience. He wanted them to choose the way that leads to true happiness.

That same choice is before you today. Determine to make the right one. Keep God and His ways in your thoughts. Begin to actively obey Him right now. It will take effort and determination to go against the ways of this world, but doing so will pay great dividends!