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Where Is God’s Church Today?
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Jesus said, “I will build My Church…†There is a single organization that teaches the entire truth of the Bible, and is called to live by “every word of God.†Do you know how to find it? Christ said it would:

  • Teach “all things†He commanded
  • Have called out members set apart by truth
  • Be a “little flockâ€

Stimulate Your Mind

Learn to fight boredom by expanding your thinking.

In this age of fast-paced living, there is a lot to do! The constant stress (and sometimes monotony) of classes, studying, a part-time job, afterschool activities, and household chores can begin to make a person feel “burned out.†You have probably felt this way.

Then, when there finally is some down time, the opposite seems to happen, and you are left unsure about how to proceed. You might ask, “Isn’t there anything interesting to do?â€

How you handle this question should separate you from your peers in the world. Much of what they consider “interesting†is often self-destructive and immoral, as it can include sex, drugs, alcohol and wrong forms of music.

In an article about British teenage alcohol use, BBC reported that “8% of the 16 and 17 year olds [a British charity] questioned said they drank at least once a week simply because they were bored.†A United States survey conducted by the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse found that “often bored teens are 50 percent likelier than teens not often bored to smoke, drink, get drunk and use illegal drugs†(CBS News).

Because you are striving to live God’s Way, you should not follow common worldly trends. With that in mind, what stimulating activities can you participate in to fight boredom?

Experience Variety


Source: Thinkstock

Though it is good to have a schedule and several familiar hobbies, you do not always have to stick with the “same old, same old.†There are simple choices you can make every day that will allow you to experience something new without much extra expense or time. Doing so will help you become a well-rounded and cultured person, and equip you to better form opinions about subjects.

For example, if you have always listened to just one particular type of music, consider exploring others. Even something this small can make a big difference for a tired mind. The library and free Internet radio sites can be great resources for experimenting with various genres.

After listening to different kinds of music, take it a step further. For example, if you find that you enjoy classical music, you may want to attend a local concert. Universities often have free student performances that are open to the general public. Coffee shops also sometimes have live music. Always be sure, however, that the setting is appropriate and that the music selected will influence you in a positive way.

As you look for these events, you may discover other interesting activities in your community. You may be surprised to find that there are restaurants, museums, sports stadiums, or other notable attractions nearby that you have not explored. Try tasting a unique dish, viewing fine art, or attending a sporting event you have never been to before.

During this process, be sure to include your family and friends. Share your interests in music, movies, sports, card games, etc., with your parents and siblings. Spend time brainstorming other ways you can try new things, and as much as your schedules allow, enjoy them together!

Think Expansively

Though we all need some time to relax, do not simply let your mind wander. Instead, actively engage it! Avoid letting your thoughts continually be on the “here and now.†It can be especially easy to let this happen when getting up in the morning or after a long day of school or work. But with a little effort, you can use this time for worthwhile, productive thought.

Consider what goals you have for the day. What do you want to achieve? Also, think about what you would like to accomplish in the future. Do not let dreams and aspirations float away. It may be helpful to write them down.

Ask yourself: What positive skills could I learn that would help me become a more effective person? What qualities, talents and abilities do I see in my parents or other adults that I would also like to have? More than likely, what you come up with will take time to accomplish. But if you research the skills and analyze the steps needed to acquire them, with steady personal growth, you will be able to reach your goals.

For example, if you wanted to learn to effectively employ clean humor, you could start by observing those who are successful at getting people to laugh. Watch how they deliver jokes and at what times it is appropriate to do so. You could also read a few books on the subject, and different types of humor, such as puns, dry humor, or comical observations. Start employing your humor by using the information you learned to tell jokes throughout the day. Then briefly evaluate yourself after each one. When you succeed, remember what worked so that you can use it again in the future. When a punch line falls flat, figure out why it failed, and avoid that mistake next time. With diligent effort, you will soon have acquired a new skill!

As you make progress toward certain goals, it can be valuable to write down what you learn. It will help you to organize these things in your mind and give you something to look back on later.

Consider keeping a journal. Famous and important persons throughout history such as Benjamin Franklin, Abigail Adams, and Winston Churchill have done so and benefited from it.

Communicate with Others

One of the most rewarding ways to stimulate your mind is to think about other people. If one focuses only on events occurring in his own life, it is a sure path to boredom, sluggishness and a lack of creativity. Learn about other people in God’s Church and genuinely care about what happens in their lives.

How does one do this? By contacting them! Phone calls, email and social media such as Facebook can all be used in an edifying way to communicate with God’s people anywhere in the world.

Think for a moment about other young people you have met at the Feast of Tabernacles or at Ambassador Youth Camp. Remember the laughs you shared, good conversations you had, and the distinguishing characteristics of each person who made an impression on you. You probably exchanged contact information with several of them.

Friends often desire to remain in contact, but are apprehensive, and wait for the other person to make the first step. If you miss someone, be the one to reach out and let him or her know! You will be able to once again laugh, share good conversations, and learn about these friends—even from afar.

This does not just apply to other young people. Members of God’s Church in their 20s, 30s or older appreciate the chance to converse with others. Also, be sure to tap into the life experiences of the elderly. If you have developed a friendship with someone who is out of your “age group,†do not be afraid to ask for their contact information and remain in touch.

As you continue to converse with others, challenge yourself to think of open-ended questions to ask them, and remember what others tell you about themselves. If you do not know what to ask, consider what you would want others to ask you!

When you begin to become comfortable with people of different ages, locations and personality types, you will learn how best to interact with each kind of person.

Keep Life Interesting!

Life can be as interesting as we make it. We have the choice to make each day worthwhile, do things that are worthwhile, and think in a way that is worthwhile.

Although the activities in our lives make a difference, our focus and outlook is even more important. Strive to make sure everything you do is uplifting, positive and constructive—both for yourself and others.

If you determine to experience variety, think expansively, and communicate with others, your life will be filled with interest, meaning and purpose. Unlike your peers in the world, you may find that you never fight boredom again!