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Jesus said, “I will build My Church…†There is a single organization that teaches the entire truth of the Bible, and is called to live by “every word of God.†Do you know how to find it? Christ said it would:

  • Teach “all things†He commanded
  • Have called out members set apart by truth
  • Be a “little flockâ€

The Final Banquet

A Fitting End to Camp

At first glance, the “final banquet†may seem like just what it implies: a meal served to conclude an event.

But at AYC, “final banquet†means so much more. It is a chance for visiting brethren to taste what AYC is really about, and a chance for campers and staff to come together and revel in the memories of the past two weeks.

As everyone gathered in the air-conditioned dining hall of the Holiday Inn and found their seats so the evening could begin, a sense of anticipation filled the room. Eagerness soon gave way to excitement.

The final banquet had begun…

This event has always had a lasting impression on me, not only because it is the last night of camp, but also because it gives campers a chance to express all that they have learned and experienced.

At the 2011 AYC final banquet, this was done through a Tabletopics session.

After enjoying a delicious catered meal, the “Topicsmaster†approached the lectern, and we prepared for whatever questions might come our way.

Of all the Tabletopics sessions I have experienced, this one was the most hilarious! The Topicsmaster did an excellent job of engaging the audience. Campers and staff alike responded with energy and enthusiasm.

During camp, a lecture given by Mr. Scott Clark detailed four main personality types into which people can generally be categorized. This became the basis of one of the Tabletopics questions, which involved describing which category each camper believed that he or she fits into. One camper in particular sprang up and happily detailed all of the different personality traits when asked.

The Topicsmaster then took us by surprise by spelling out a special word and asking us to guess the pronunciation and definition. This unique word was pusillanimous. The clever answers that several groups came up with brought about gales of laughter. It was wonderful to see the creativity of all the campers. In the end, we were told the definition of pusillanimous: lacking courage or resolution, cowardly, faint-hearted and timid. The Topicsmaster then stated that this word could not be found in any of the attendees of AYC. It felt wonderful to hear that!

After Tabletopics, we were all treated to a special musical presentation. One of the girl campers agreed to sing in front of the entire assembly. The room was completely silent as she made her way up to the stage. She took a deep breath, and began. Singing a little softly at first, her voice quickly grew stronger. As her confidence grew, so did the awe felt by every member sitting in the audience.

I was deeply moved by this because when this particular girl first came to camp, she was incredibly shy. But as time progressed, she was spurred on by encouragement from others, and learned to be more confident and comfortable with the people around her.

When the grand finale of the final banquet arrived, she was able to boldly sing in front of more than 200 people! I am still amazed at the change that occurred in only two short weeks. It is truly inspiring to see the impact of Ambassador Youth Camp. By the end of her song, she was given a standing ovation.

After a 10-minute break, we once again gathered into the hall for the last event of the evening. Several of the AYC staff and administrators had prepared a photo slideshow recapping highlights of the past two weeks. The slideshow has become a tradition of the final banquet, and it was evident that everyone was eager to see what this one had in store.

As pictures flashed onto the screen, fond memories came flooding back. I suddenly realized that for me, this final banquet was more than just a single event. It was a culmination of five incredible years as a camper—five years of learning, growing and overcoming.

Throughout the years I have attended camp, I have seen a change not only in myself, but also in others as well. I have seen people move outside their comfort zones, overcoming fears and doing things that they previously thought were impossible. I have witnessed several individuals develop into strong leaders. And I have seen an AYC family form. After all, what other place can youth from around the world meet and support each other in realizing they are not alone?

With each new year of camp, the AYC family—and bonds built there—becomes larger and stronger.

After the conclusion of the slideshow, the boy campers grouped together and gave a hearty rendition of their traditional AYC boy song. Then it was the girls’ turn. Forming a half-circle, all of the girl campers joyfully shouted their AYC song. I would not be surprised if our songs could be heard echoing throughout the entire hotel! Everyone sang with energy and zeal. It was a fitting end to an incredible evening and a fantastic camp.

We then gathered our belongings and prepared to depart. Tears began to flow as we boarded the bus for the last time, and I realized my journey as a camper had come to a close. Although this saddened me, it also gave me a chance to look ahead at a new beginning as a staff member. There were several of us who left as campers and will be returning as staff. We will now have the opportunity to serve in new ways.

The final banquet has always been a meaningful occasion. It gives campers and staff the chance to share their experiences, and look forward to future camps. I think I can speak for everyone when I say that we are fired up and ready for camp next year.

Look out AYC 2012, here we come!