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Jesus said, “I will build My Church…†There is a single organization that teaches the entire truth of the Bible, and is called to live by “every word of God.†Do you know how to find it? Christ said it would:

  • Teach “all things†He commanded
  • Have called out members set apart by truth
  • Be a “little flockâ€

Ambassador Youth Camp

Why You Don’t Want to Miss It!

Sitting in his bedroom, a teenage boy wonders whether to fill out the Ambassador Youth Camp application he has just received in the mail. He was not able to attend AYC last year, so he is unsure of what to expect at this year’s camp. As he contemplates attending, numerous thoughts race through his mind. What will camp be like? Will I have fun? What will the other campers think of me? Will I make any friends? Will I be overcome with fear? Can I survive away from home for two entire weeks? What will the food taste like? Will I be able to succeed? On and on the questions go.

Deep inside, he has a strong desire to attend camp, especially after having talked to some of his friends who attended previous camps. He recalls the numerous stories of fun and excitement: challenging sports, endurance canoeing, thrilling whitewater rafting, and so on. But any excitement he feels is quickly overtaken by anxiety and fear—fear of the unknown.

Does this describe you? Are you fearful of attending your very first Ambassador Youth Camp? If so, don’t be alarmed. Everyone has felt trepidation at the thought of experiencing something new. There is a first time for everything, and fear often accompanies new experiences. AYC is no exception. But you must recognize that fear is not a good reason to avoid trying something new—especially AYC.

At his first presidential inauguration address, Franklin D. Roosevelt said, “…the only thing we have to fear is fear itself.†Why are we to be afraid of fear? Because, as Roosevelt explains, it is “nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance.â€

In other words, we are to be fearful of fear because it hinders our advancing in life. Fear paralyzes us! It prevents human beings from facing challenges and moving forward toward achieving their goals, whether collectively or individually. In the case of Ambassador Youth Camp, fear can prevent you from attending an incredible two-week camp unlike anything you have ever experienced—and, with it, an opportunity to grow toward your ultimate potential!

There are a number of ways to overcome the fear of attending AYC. Perhaps the most effective is to consider what you will miss if you allow fear to cripple you. Choosing to not send in your application means choosing to not enjoy…

…Exhilarating Activities

Imagine yourself floating in a six-person raft down a shallow, winding river in the middle of God’s creation. It is a beautiful, warm summer day, with a light breeze and abundant sunshine. The sound of birds singing melodic tunes fills the air.

All of a sudden, you enter a Class IV rapid, full of obstacles and loud, rushing water. Adrenaline starts to flow through your body as you paddle furiously to avoid rocks. Your muscles tense up to ensure you remain in the raft. Seconds later, you are through the rapid. What a rush! You have never felt anything so intense in your life! You are ready for more.

A similar scenario unfolds about a dozen more times during the four-hour excursion.

Picture yourself in a two-person canoe, lazily paddling down a 13-mile stretch of a rather calm river. Unlike the rafting trip, here you are able to soak in the beauty of the surrounding environment, and you are not concerned about falling out of the canoe. Actually, during a brief stop, you decide to jump out of the canoe and cool off in the water. What a relaxing day!

But as you approach the 11th mile, you begin to realize how much effort you had put forth in paddling for the past several hours—your arms feel like spaghetti!

After arriving at the exit point, you enjoy a nice frozen treat and share stories of the journey. That night, you sleep as soundly as ever.

Now imagine yourself learning the ins and outs of indoor volleyball—how to correctly serve, bump and set the ball—and scoring the game-winning point to win the AYC volleyball tournament! After the victory, you enjoy a tasty treat and recall with your teammates the highlights of the games.

Further, imagine an evening of fun in an Olympic-sized swimming pool, cooling off in the refreshing water after an afternoon of intensive exercise at a nearby sports complex. You zoom down a twisting and turning water slide headfirst into the water. The sweat is washed away in an instant! Then you jump off the high dive in the form of a cannonball into the water. What a splash!

Finally, picture yourself doing something you never imagined—walking across a rope 20 feet in the air! After strapping into safety gear, fear grips your body as you slowly walk across a tightrope high above the ground. The adrenaline flowing through your body is unbelievable! After reaching the end, you climb down a tree and race to another high-ropes course—your fear of heights is gone!

Ask yourself: do I want to miss fun-filled, adrenaline-packed activities—activities that will push me to grow and overcome fears?

Think of all the memories you can form!

…Fellowship with Other Teens

Of course, AYC is more than just sports and physical activity. Perhaps as important as anything else is fellowship with others your age in RCG. This is even more crucial now than it was during Mr. Armstrong’s ministry, as many of our youth do not have the opportunity on the Sabbath to converse face-to-face with other teens.

Many of you are the only young person in your congregation. Your only opportunity to converse with other teens in the Church may be at the Feast of Tabernacles. But depending on the Feast site, even then you may not be able to see others your age. This is a big reason AYC is so special and unique for God’s youth.

Ambassador Youth Camp is the once-a-year occasion to fellowship with dozens of teens who share a similar mindset. And you have a full two weeks to do it! Ponder this for a moment. Where else can you be around other teens in the Church for two weeks?

Some of you may have contact with teens in the world where you live, especially those who attend public schools; however, their course in life is drastically different from yours—or at least it should be. Your conversation with them is limited. You are not able to discuss spiritual concepts or biblical stories with them. But at AYC you can! You are also free from fear of whether others will make fun of you.

Ask yourself: do I want to miss an incredible opportunity to form lasting friendships—friendships I can maintain throughout the year via email or post mail?

Think of how much less lonely you will be!

…Delicious Food

Then there is the food—wonderful, tasty, wholesome food—prepared by culinary masters! Imagine three full meals per day, and not just any meals. These are the kinds you can’t wait to sink your teeth into: Mexican-style breakfasts, with jam-packed burritos; perfectly prepared pasta, with rich red sauce; hearty chicken noodle soup; flavorsome roast beef; and desserts—ice cream, peach cobbler, cheesecake, and so much more.

More important, however, is the spiritual food received at AYC. You live in a world with an ever-increasing fund of knowledge, yet little if any spiritual knowledge, which is why God says, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge†(Hos. 4:6). Not just any knowledge—but that of God and His ways. The Hebrew word for destroyed literally means “to be dumb or silent, to fail.†God declares that those in the world are dumb—and, as a result, fail in life—because of their lack of understanding of spiritual things. This need not be the case with you.

At camp, you are exposed to spiritual understanding through Bible studies, daily lectures and instruction from staff throughout the day. And all of the messages are tailored for young people in God’s Way. What you learn at camp is not taught anywhere else!

Ask yourself: do I want to miss fellowship with others my age over mouth-watering meals three times a day, as well as spiritual understanding taught at AYC?

Imagine how much more of an effective person you could be! What you learn at camp can help you to avoid failure!

Your Choice!

Will you allow fear of the unknown to prevent you from enjoying an amazing two-week experience? Or will you brush aside your fear and turn in your AYC application?

Rather than focusing on the fear of the unknown, instead meditate upon the endless fun and excitement you will encounter at AYC. Allow thoughts of all you have read in this article to roll through your mind—the rafting, the canoeing, the sports, the food, the knowledge you will gain, etc. (And realize that this article provided only the briefest glimpse into all that is AYC.) Then ask yourself if it is worth giving all of it up because of fear. The answer should be a resounding no!

So go ahead—pick up the nearest pen or pencil and take the first step toward the time of your life!