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Where Is God’s Church Today?
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Jesus said, “I will build My Church…†There is a single organization that teaches the entire truth of the Bible, and is called to live by “every word of God.†Do you know how to find it? Christ said it would:

  • Teach “all things†He commanded
  • Have called out members set apart by truth
  • Be a “little flockâ€

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Conquer Your Fears

Many react to new situations with nervousness and apprehension, but this need not be you!

Each day, you are confronted with a variety of challenges, obstacles and hurdles. Some may be nearly microscopic challenges; others are more difficult. You may face decisions on whether to get enough exercise or regularly study the Bible. You may come face-to-face with peer pressure to become involved in things you know are wrong.

Certain challenges are difficult to overcome because they produce an overwhelming response: FEAR!

Are you afraid of heights? What about large crowds? Then there is public speaking. Nearly everyone fears speaking in front of a group. Does the idea of dancing send shivers down your spine? Perhaps the sight of a snake, spider or a certain insect gives you superhuman jumping ability.

Whoever you are and wherever you live, chances are you have some fears.

Phobias Commonplace

Psychologists have documented over 700 specific phobias. More than 11 million Americans suffer from one of these. This accounts for about 4 percent of the United States population, with women experiencing nearly twice as many phobias as men. This means that about one out of 25 people suffer from a clinical phobia.

You can probably bring to mind things you fear. Perhaps some have prevented you from joining certain activities or social situations. No matter the case, fears and phobias limit you—both in a physical and a spiritual sense.

The Bible says that the fearful will not enter God’s kingdom (Rev. 21:8). This is serious—overcoming fears is important! While someday entering the God Family should be your ultimate goal, fears can affect you now in many ways. This is especially true of situations in which you must step outside your “comfort zone.â€

Most leave their comfort zone when they are in social situations among people they do not know. It is easy to mingle with those you know. But it is challenging to participate in situations in which you meet new people.

Do not let cowardice adversely affect you at Ambassador Youth Camp. Do not permit fear to overshadow your thinking—and fun experiences.

Stepping Out

A large aspect of camp is moving beyond your comfort level and experiencing new things.

Having the right attitude will go a long way in eliminating fears when they appear. A passive, lackadaisical approach to any experience will cause you to doubt that an activity can be enjoyable or exciting. And doubt opens the door to other unhealthy pessimistic attitudes.

In the booklet The Laws to Success, David C. Pack discusses an overall approach to a positive, fulfilling and successful life. The sixth law is perseverance—or stick-to-itiveness! This requires a “can do†attitude. Focus on this attitude throughout your life and, when you see a challenge, no matter what emotions it causes, jump in feet first and truly experience it.

Most are afraid of how they will appear to their friends—what other people will think of their ability, skill set, experience, etc. Fear prevents them from participating in games, socials, activities, and so much more. In effect, fear paralyzes a person. The opinions of others drive some to a level of shyness and anxiety that cripples their chance to grow, meet new people and experience new things.

If you are one who finds it easy to jump into a new activity, you have a greater burden than you may realize. You have been blessed with experiences that have made it easier to participate in social interaction or activities. The Bible says that to “whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required†(Luke 12:48). A way to fulfill this verse is to look for those who are nervous about trying new things and make them feel like they are part of the team.

It cannot be said enough that if you see someone who looks apprehensive about a challenge, encourage him! You never know when some encouragement will help.

Overcoming Through Teamwork

Again, most fears are focused on and directed toward activities that involve other people. The human desire to be accepted by others is a root of many fears. As you develop friendships with others in God’s Church, you will begin to trust them. Trust and encouragement will build confidence that can assist you in overcoming nervousness or fears.

This cycle of encouragement leads to trust, which then builds confidence, and allows you to work together to confront and overcome fear.

One of the best examples of teamwork is found in rock climbing. You place your safety in the hands of someone else, usually a stranger. There are always two people involved—the climber and the belayer. The climber’s job is obvious; he scales a seemingly sheer rock face. The belayer controls the tightness of the climber’s rope—his safety line. If the climber falls, the belayer tightly grabs the rope and stops the climber from plummeting back to the ground. This requires trust! If the climber spent the entire time worrying—fearful—that the belayer was not going to correctly perform his job, he would never be able to focus on the climb. The teamwork of trust means the climber can confront the challenge and overcome it. Teamwork and friendship are powerful tools for confronting and overcoming fears.

Did you know that you have another partner? When you see certain fears in yourself, remember to turn to God and ask Him in prayer to strengthen you—to help you overcome. He is a Teammate who is able to strengthen and encourage you perfectly—if you ask!

Determine to Overcome

Ultimately, recognizing, confronting and overcoming fear is something you have to do yourself, while never forgetting to ask for God’s help. While having the right attitude and the encouragement of others helps, you have to make a personal decision that fear will not stop you from experiencing all of the good things that life has to offer.

If you set your mind, fear will not prevent you from participating in new challenges at AYC, or in any other area of life. In fact, there is an encouraging pattern that appears when you make a decision to “square your shoulders†and confront fears. The act will become a habit!

When you focus on fears and overcome them, you will become more confident that any new challenges or fears can also be overcome. Over time, your automatic response to difficult situations will be to find—search out—the way to overcome. Developing this habit of overcoming will serve you in any challenge.

This focus, along with developing an overcoming habit, will change your life.

Work together with your friends; build a team with them. Seek God in prayer, asking Him to be part of your team. Set your mind to a “can do†attitude. If you do, a new challenge, obstacle or hurdle will not mean you are worried or fearful. Instead, you will be filled with excitement, knowing you can overcome any challenge and reap the benefits of new social situations and experiences.

This is just one way to enjoy an abundant life and make the most of the many exciting experiences at Ambassador Youth Camp—and for the rest of your life!

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