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Iran’s unprecedented attack on Israel early Sunday marked a change in approach for Tehran, which had relied on proxies across the Middle East since the start of the Israel-Hamas war in October.

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Did God create all life on Earth according to the Genesis account or did it gradually evolve? Millions of professing Christians have been told science supports evolution, not Creation. They declare, “I believe in God and the Bible, I just think evolution was how He created man.” They believe God directed the gradual development of all plant and animal life. This is referred to as “directed evolution,” or “theistic evolution.”

This introduces great questions: Can a Christian accept evolution? Is this compatible with the Bible—and following Jesus Christ? What does the New Testament say? What did the apostles teach? What did Christ say? This two-part Personal answers all these questions and more.

My five-part The World to Come series titled “Does God Exist?—Many Absolute Proofs!” forms the foundation for this Personal. It explores the latest science to prove that God exists and that evolution is factually impossible.

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  • World News Desk
“Many, many of our babies are severely malnourished,” said a Doctors Without Borders hospital coordinator. “The reason is hygiene, not enough food, not enough water. This is a crisis that will continue. We will see even more children like this.”
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Fake news. Political bias. Relative truth. The media landscape is more confusing than ever.
  • World News Desk
U.S. President Joe Biden says he is weighing whether he has the legal authority to block migrants at the U.S.-Mexico border since Republicans have refused to pass bipartisan legislation.

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Most Christians believe going to heaven is the greatest reward they can achieve. Is this true? Or is there something far greater ahead for every human being ever born?
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“We used to gather at weddings, at baptisms. Now we meet at funerals,” said 61-year-old Chrysoula Ioannidou. “There are very few births.”

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The Bible reveals there are Spring Holy Days that Christians should observe. What are they? And why are these days so important to God?
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A vast swing in culture. Rapid advancements in technology. Never-ending scandals. Ministers and parishioners are scrambling to find what “church” should look like in the 21st century.
  • World News Desk
Russia and Kazakhstan ordered more than 100,000 people to evacuate after swiftly melting snow swelled mighty rivers beyond bursting point in the worst flooding in the area for at least 70 years.

From the Editor

  • Personals from the Editor
Few equate Christianity with enjoying a real zest for life. Learn the inspiring truth from God’s Word!
  • World News Desk
Just in the first three months of the year, more than 2,669 square miles were charred in the United States—more than half of last year’s total.
  • World News Desk
The Palestinian Authority has formally asked for renewed consideration by the United Nations Security Council of its 2011 application to become a full member of the world body.

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Most simply do not understand the tremendous price that was paid, why it was necessary that someone pay it, and the intended goal.

  • World News Desk
More than 60 percent are headed to Haiti’s rural southern region, which worries UN officials.
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America has been fighting the spread of drugs for over 50 years. Has it become a lost cause?
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The drought in Zimbabwe, neighboring Zambia and Malawi has reached crisis levels.
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By knowing and practicing these 10 traits, you can dramatically increase your worth to current and future employers.

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