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World News Report: October 2013

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World News Report: October 2013

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Every month that passes seems to bring more sobering news across the globe. Horrendous mega-acts of violence are now occurring almost daily somewhere in the world. On September 21, terrorists attacked a mall in Nairobi, Kenya, resulting in a siege that lasted four days and left 67 people dead. The Islamist extremists used high-powered belt-fed machine guns and grenades to slaughter their fellow men and women as rapidly and efficiently as human beings possibly could. To such monsters it was little more than “mowing the grass.” Details of rape and torture of hostages are too horrific to report. The New York Times stated, “It took heavily armed Kenyan security forces more than three days to dislodge the last of the militants, then an intense fire burned in the supermarket for days.”

Another group of Islamic terrorists in Gujba, Nigeria, disguised themselves in Nigerian military uniforms and killed at least 40 college students, also simply mowing them down. Officials estimate that the death toll could reach as high as 50. Here is one eyewitness report: “‘They started gathering students into groups outside, then they opened fire and killed one group and then moved onto the next group and killed them. It was so terrible,’ one surviving student…told Reuters” (Fox News).

In America, a deadlock largely based on the long-term grinding hostility and distrust between Republicans and Democrats caused the United States government to shut down. The government reportedly ran out of certain kinds of funds as of midnight last Monday. The Washington Times summarized where this stands, “With no prospect of a deal to continue funding into fiscal year 2014, the White House budget office issued an order just before midnight to begin closing operations, sending 800,000 federal workers on furlough and leaving hundreds of thousands more employees required to report for work though without the guarantee of paychecks.” Republicans and Democrats in the House and Senate continue to battle over a host of legislative issues. It only took the Senate 25 minutes to strike down a proposed budget by House Republicans, who attempted to link a one-year delay in the individual health insurance mandate to increased government spending. Both sides plot against the other, with no “bend” in their thinking. Rooting for the liberal democratic side in the fight, The New York Times reported, “…House Republicans showed no sign of backing down, signaling a readiness to shut down the federal government over the health law.”

“In one of their final moves, House Republicans attached language to a government funding bill that would delay the mandate that individuals obtain health insurance and would force members of Congress, their staffs and White House staff members to buy their health insurance on the new exchanges without any government subsidies.”

The article quoted House Speaker John Boehner as saying, “‘The president provided a one-year delay of the employer mandate. He’s provided for exceptions for unions and others. There’s even an exception for members of Congress. We believe that everyone should be treated fairly.’”

One side blames the other for the problems, while the other points the finger back. The Hill reported, “Nearly three-quarters of White House employees [were] furloughed during a government shutdown, according to a contingency plan created by the administration. According to a letter prepared for the Office of Management and Budget, some 1,265 White House employees [were] sent home…”

To learn more about the future of the United States, and what the Bible reveals, read our eye-opening book America and Britain in Prophecy.

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