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World News Report: June-July 2013

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World News Report: June-July 2013

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As each month passes, conditions around the world continue to grow worse. In the United Kingdom, two separate medical procedures will soon be available to combine the DNA of three individuals to fertilize a “designer” baby that will not be subject to certain diseases that would otherwise likely afflict the baby. In other words, one child would have three biological parents! The procedure will apparently be approved soon, with its implementation only two years away. The BBC reported, “The UK looks set to become the first country to allow the creation of babies using DNA from three people, after the government backed the IVF technique. It will produce draft regulations later this year and the procedure could be offered within two years. Experts say three-person IVF could eliminate debilitating and potentially fatal mitochondrial diseases that are passed on from mother to child.”

Although most scientists are sincerely trying to prevent disease, mankind continues to act like it has the powers of God. Scientists have run amok in their attempts to tinker with natural processes. Since the scientific and medical communities have “successfully” created hybrid, genetically modified foods and cloned animals, they have evidently decided that the next frontier is that of altering human babies. This world is growing more out of control with every passing day! The only question that remains is, What next?

It was also recently reported that America has been spying on its allies in the European Union. This development greatly jeopardizes America’s relationship with European countries, and calls into question the future of a huge trade agreement between these two parties. German magazine Der Spiegel reported this in an article titled “Spying ‘Out of Control’: EU Officials Question Trade Negotiations”: “Europeans are furious. Revelations that the US intelligence service National Security Agency (NSA) targeted the European Union and several European countries with its far-reaching spying activities have led to angry reactions from several senior EU and German politicians. ‘We need more precise information,’ said European Parliament President Martin Schulz. ‘But if it is true, it is a huge scandal. That would mean a huge burden for relations between the EU and the US. We now demand comprehensive information.’

“Schulz was reacting to a report in SPIEGEL that the NSA had bugged the EU’s diplomatic representation in Washington and monitored its computer network…The EU’s representation to the United Nations in New York was targeted in a similar manner. US intelligence thus had access to EU email traffic and internal documents. The information appears in secret documents obtained by whistleblower Edward Snowden, some of which SPIEGEL has seen.”

The article also stated that the American government’s spying program was particularly active in Germany (italics mine): “SPIEGEL also reported that Germany has been a significant target of the NSA’s global surveillance program, with some 500 million communication connections being monitored every month. The documents show that the NSA is more active in Germany than in any other country in the European Union.”

The implications of this newest scandal are far-reaching when one considers the role that Germany will play in prophecy against the nations of the West. Continue to watch developments around the world. Prophetic events are speeding up, with serious problems having gone from two or three times a year 20 years ago to something every month 10 years ago to something new every week two to three years ago to something every day now—or even several times every day. I have often thought in recent months how often I will write about serious developments in prophecy happening by the hour!

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