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Afghanistan Temblors Trigger Landslide

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Afghanistan Temblors Trigger Landslide

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Twin earthquakes of magnitudes 5.4 and 5.7, respectively, hit remote villages in northern Afghanistan on June 12, resulting in a landslide that killed as many as 100 and buried 25 to 30 houses under about 100 feet of rock.

After various search and rescue efforts, only two women were found alive. Bulldozers were then brought in to move rocks covering the area.

The United Nations issued a statement that they are working with government authorities to provide aid as needed. Also, the organization reported that the earthquake destroyed houses in five other districts.

The governor of the affected Baghlan province, Munshi Abdul Majid, said the area would become a burial site for victims if the bodies were unrecoverable.

The quake, which was felt up to 100 miles away, is not the first for the region. Ten years ago, a temblor in the same area caused the deaths of more than 2,000 people.

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