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Iran Heads For Confrontation

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Iran Heads For Confrontation

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In response to Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s latest tirade against the history and existence of the Jewish people, one European envoy posted in Tehran stated, “At first, we were tempted to put it down to inexperience or a simple gaffe. But there is now a clear pattern of confrontational, extremist rhetoric apparently designed to upset the international community. And he’s succeeding.” Germany, as did many countries, called in their Iranian diplomat for a dressing down. The German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier called the comments “shocking and totally unacceptable.” The United Nations Security Council also issued a rebuke.

In October, Mr. Ahmadinejad referred to Israel as a “tumor” that must be “wiped off the map.”

Later, referencing the Holocaust, he said the following during a broadcast on state television: “They have fabricated a legend under the name ‘Massacre of the Jews’, and they hold it higher than God himself, religion itself and the prophets themselves.”

He then reiterated his previous suggestion that Israel be moved to Europe, the U.S. or Canada.

The European diplomat said, “The very radical change of tone in Iran has to be seen in the context of the nuclear issue.”

Is the Iranian President begging the U.S. and/or Israel for some sort of military response? If so, what will be the outcome?

Source: The Drudge Report

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