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Syrian-Iranian Deal To Hide Weapons

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Syrian-Iranian Deal To Hide Weapons

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The London-based Jane’s Defence Weekly reported that Iran and Syria have signed a strategic accord designed to protect each other’s weapons programs. That is, in the event that the United Nations Security Council would recommend inspections and/or sanctions on Iran for its nuclear program, Syria would assist to hide material and weapons when necessary. Iran would do the same for Syria, in addition to offering protection for any Syrian intelligence officer indicted by the United Nations or a neighboring country such as Lebanon (e.g. in the case of the Hariri assassination).

The accord also requires Syria to continue to supply the Iranian-sponsored Hizbullah group with weapons, ammunition and communication systems.

Finally, the agreement reiterates general cooperation and mutual support between the two nations in military and intelligence matters.

Members of the “axis of evil” and “outposts of tyranny” have aligned, each with significant support from Russia and China. This may pose an interesting challenge for the U.S. and her remaining allies.

Source: The World Tribune

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